Program Examples:TCP IP:TCPIP Multi Server

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The following example demonstrates the set up of a TCP-IP server that opens connection with multiple clients.

The server opens a socket and blocks on "Accept" until a client gets connected. Then an exchange of messages takes place and the server closes the connection and gets blocked again waiting to accept the next client.

program 'continue

	dim str1 as string
	dim Test_str as string
	dim X as long = 20

		OpenSocket Options=1 as #1
	catch 5043 'socket is already open
		print "socket 1 is already open. closing an reopening"
		close #1
		OpenSocket Options=1 as #1
	End Try

	while 1

			OpenSocket Options=1 as #X
		catch 5043 'socket is already open
			print "socket 2 is already open. closing an reopening"
			close #X
			OpenSocket Options=1 as #X
		End Try

		Test_str="Server sending test string"

		Accept(#1, #X, 6001)

		sleep 100
		print #X, Test_str; 'send
		sleep 200
		str1=input$(loc(X),#X) 'receive

		if str1 = "Client sending test string" then
			?"server.prg test is successful"
			?"server.prg test FAILED"
		end if

		sleep 200

		close #X
		X = X + 1

	end while

	close #1
	Print "Server Closed Sockets. Server Exits"

end program

The example corresponds to commit SHA-1: ada143a7f402e6bbad24c13c56401a5393ce3d2b in GIT.

See Also