Program Examples - Robot Pick and Place (P&P)/zh-hans
语言: | English • 中文(简体) |
以下是机器人拾取和放置的两个例子。 一个使用笛卡尔坐标,二是使用机器人的关节坐标系进行运动。 在这个例子中我们使用puma 6轴机器人。
拾取和放置 - 笛卡尔坐标
P2 | P11 | Click image for 360° video |
' File: PnPTrn.prg
' Purpose: Robot Pick & Place
' Version: 1.00
' Author: Or Karni
' History: 17.JAN.2017 - created
' module global "constants"
' module global variables
dim shared ZeroPosition as joint of xyzypr = {0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0} 'Moving as joint - for initial positioning
dim shared P1Position as joint of xyzypr = {120,45,0,0,45,0} '{J1,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6}
dim shared P1 as location of xyzypr = #{-650 , 1130 , -150 , 0 , 180 , -120} '{X,Y,Z,Y,P,R}
dim shared P11 as location of xyzypr = #{-650 , 1130 , -50 , 0 , 180 , -120}
dim shared P22 as location of xyzypr = #{650 , 1130 , -50 , 0 , 180 , -60}
dim shared P2 as location of xyzypr = #{650 , 1130 , -150 , 0 , 180 , -60}
dim shared RobotVelocity as double = 40.0
with Puma 'set default group element, no need to explicitly indicate the motion element
Attach 'Attach the task to motion element (with Puma)
Sleep 100
Vcruise = RobotVelocity 'Set robot's cruise velocity
while NOT En
Sleep 100
end while
Move ZeroPosition 'moving to zero position
WaitForMotion Puma
call pickPlaceXYZ 'execute Pick and Place function
Move ZeroPosition
WaitForMotion Puma
end with
end program
sub pickPlaceXYZ
dim i as long
Move PUMA P1Position
WaitForMotion Puma
Puma.BlendingMethod = 2 'Type of motion blending - 2 is SuperPosition blending - in order to optimize movement, so that it will be as fast as possible
Puma.BlendingFactor = 80 'Percentage of the movement’s length that will not be blended with the next movement
Puma.Cp = 10 'At continous path blednign, sets the blend radious value - bigger equal smoother
for i = 1 to 10
Moves Puma P11
WaitForMotion Puma
Moves Puma P1
WaitForMotion Puma
Moves Puma P11
WaitForMotion Puma
Moves Puma P22
WaitForMotion Puma
Moves Puma P2
WaitForMotion Puma
Moves Puma P22
WaitForMotion Puma
next i
Move PUMA ZeroPosition
WaitForMotion Puma
end sub
拾取和放置 - 关节坐标
' File: PnPJnt.prg
' Purpose: Robot Pick & Place
' Version: 1.00
' Author: Eran Korkidi
' History: 10.DEC.2015 - created
dim shared jntZeroPosition as joint of xyzypr = {0,0,0,0,0,0}
dim shared jntPickHigh as joint of xyzypr = {120,45,0,0,45,0} 'P11
dim shared jntPickLow as joint of xyzypr = {120 , 49.9504 , 0.352258 , 0 , 39.6973 , 0} 'P1
dim shared jntPlaceHigh as joint of xyzypr = {60,45,0,0,45,0} 'P22
dim shared jntPlaceLow as joint of xyzypr = {60 , 49.9504 , 0.352258 , 0 , 39.6973 , 0} 'P2
dim shared dVelSlow as double = 40.0
dim shared dVelFast as double = 80.0
Sys.Vrate = 100.0
with Puma
Sleep 100
while NOT En
Sleep 100
end while
Move jntZeroPosition Vcruise=dVelSlow
call waitMotion
call pickPlaceJoint
Move jntZeroPosition Vcruise=dVelSlow
call waitMotion
end with
end program
sub pickPlaceJoint
dim i as long
dim dVelFac as double = 0.9
Move PUMA jntZeroPosition Vcruise=dVelSlow
call waitMotion
Move PUMA jntPickHigh Vcruise=dVelSlow
call waitMotion
Puma.BlendingMethod = 1
Puma.Cp = 50
puma.J1.PeMax = 3.0 ' 0.2
for i = 1 to 10
Move Puma jntPickHigh Vcruise = PUMA.Vmax * dVelFac
Move Puma jntPickLow Vcruise = PUMA.Vmax
call waitMotion
Move Puma jntPickHigh Vcruise = PUMA.Vmax
Move Puma jntPlaceHigh Vcruise = PUMA.Vmax * dVelFac
Move Puma jntPlaceLow Vcruise = PUMA.Vmax
call waitMotion
Move Puma jntPlaceHigh Vcruise = PUMA.Vmax
next i
Move PUMA jntZeroPosition Vcruise = dVelSlow
call waitMotion
end sub
sub waitMotion
while puma.IsMoving
Sleep 1
end while
end sub