Program Examples:Serial Com:Serial Com Example
Language: | English • 中文(简体) |
The following example demonstrates the setup of a serial connection with softMC.
The program opens COM2 and waits for at least 3 bytes to arrive. Then it sends a message "done" and closes connection.
common shared str1 as string
common shared iteration_counter as long = 0
common shared time_counter as long = 0
close #2
catch else
end try
Open COM2 BaudRate=115200 Parity=0 DataBits=8 StopBit=1 XOnOff=1 As #2
while (loc(2) < 3) and (time_counter < 120) ' allow 120 seconds for system start up to complete
sleep 1000
time_counter = time_counter +1
end while
str1 = input$(loc(2),#2)
print #2, "done"
sleep 100
close #2
End Program
The example corresponds to commit SHA-1: ada143a7f402e6bbad24c13c56401a5393ce3d2b.