Program Example - Path-PLS: Setpoint1 as Position Source

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This program example uses the Cartesian axis limits as PLS positions.
Digital output 1 (Dout.1) is triggered when the motion path crosses value X = 10 and X = 100.

Common Shared GXY as group of axnm = A1 axnm = A2 of XY
Common Shared P1 as PLS GXY Sys.Dout.1


   CreatePLSData P1 2 
   P1.PLSPosition[1] = 10
   P1.PLSPosition[2] = 100
   GXY.PLSSource = Setpoint1
   GXY.en = 1
   With GXY
   MOVES {0,0} 
   MOVES {200,200} WithPLS = P1

End program
