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This wiki covers all the commands and properties associated with the software components of the softMC.

The syntax and related properties and variables are shown for each command. Example are also shown to illustrate the use of the command.

Command Reference Format

Each entry contains the information needed for correctly use of the command or property. All commands and properties contain the following items:

  • Description
  • Short Form
  • Syntax
  • Availability
  • Type
  • Range
  • Units
  • Default
  • Scope
  • Limitations
  • Examples
  • See Also

Short Form

Where applicable, a short form of the longer command can be used to simplify typing the command or property name. In such instances, the short form is denoted. The short form of a command or property name may be used interchangeably with the long version.


In describing the syntax of an instruction, different notations are used.

< >
Field to be filled by user. For example, ABS ( <expression> ) indicates that <expression> is the user’s data.

{ }
Optional data. Many instructions have optional fields, which are used to override default values. For example, the VelocityCruise property is optional within a Move command. However, there is an exception to this rule, in that { } are used for vector notation. When the optional data may be repeated, an asterisk (*) is used to indicate this.

Or. Indicates that either one of the values may be used.


Various versions of the firmware add new features, and often significantly change the syntax or behavior of commands and properties. The attribute Availability included in the descriptions denotes the applicability of each function (command, property)to the specified version of the firmware.


When parameter values imply dimensional units of measurement, these units are specified in the description of the command or property where they apply.


Instructions can be executed from any of three contexts: the configuration file (CONFIG.PRG), the terminal, and within a task. Not all instructions can be executed from all three contexts; their scope of operation is limited. For each instruction, the scope of operation is defined.


Even when an instruction can be executed in a given context, there may still be limitations on its use. For example, a MOVE command can be executed from within a task, but there is a limitation in that the motion element being moved must first be attached to the task by the ATTACH command.

Refer to


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