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Advanced editing
- Extension:ParserFunctions - Provides eleven additional parser functions to supplement the "magic words", which are already present in MediaWiki.
- Extension:RegexFunctions - Regular Expressions parser functions.
- Extension:Cite - Allows a user to create footnotes.
- Extension:SyntaxHighlight GeSHi - Adds the <syntaxhighlight> tag to present formatted source code.
- Extension:DynamicPageList - Allows wiki users to create a list of pages that are listed in a set of categories.
- Extension:CategoryTree - Provides a dynamic view of the wiki's category structure as a tree.
- Extension:ImageMap - Enables clickable image maps. An image map is a list of coordinates in a specific image, which hyperlinks areas of the image to multiple destinations.
- Extension:SubPageList - Lightweight extension to display subpages.
The following features require extra user rights that are not normally granted to all softMC Wiki users.