Blend Protected

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Sets the protected part of the move that is guaranteed not going to be blended.

Percentage of the current motion path (measured from the end) that is going to be executed completely separated from the previous or next motions.

Defines the smallest amount at the motion end that is not blended, which means that according to the blending conditions the un-blended part of the move can be longer but not shorter then the given percentage given in BlendProtected.

Has a higher priority than the BlendingFactor.
If two motions of the same length that are blended together have Bfactor = 50 and the second motion has Bprotected = 60 the superposition of the two motions will start at 60% of the path of the first move. The last 40% of the first motion and the first 40% of the second motion will be super-posed, this means the last 60% of the second motion will be done separately.
Setting any value > 0 means that the next movement will not be blended even though the BlendingFactor is defined, because the next movement will not have anything to be blended to.
Applicable only with BlendingMethod=2 (SP blending) and time-based profile active (prftype=2).
In cases of non-SP blending or Sine-Acceleration profile, its value will be silently ignored (no error reported).
Accuracy of the path length depends on the velocity at the moment of blending. Error in the magnitude of should be expected!