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Enabling tracking mode allows the system to start tracking the moving frame using the trigger inputs . When the moving frame is active an object that passes the sensor indicates that ,it is going to reach the working window. For every new inserted piece the user has to update all trigger positions for every one of the degrees of freedom. A new trigger position can be set although an item is still inside the working window.

For every master (moving frame degree of freedom – source) the object position must be inserted, at the trigger time in the specific master units.

NDOF is number degrees of freedom.


TRIGGER <robot> { NDOF = <index> Value = <value>  MasterFrame = <master> RadiusOffset = <radius offset>}


Since Version 3.6.20



NDOF – long

Value – position units


NDOF - 1 to 6


Task or Terminal


The group-only syntax. The lower and upper limits are referred to the trigger point


Trigger SCARA NDOF = 1 value= a1.pext trigger Ndof = 1 value = trg2 MasterFrame = ncnv RadiusOffset = 0

See Also