Undocumented User Functions
Undocumented User Functions
This sections is intended for expert users or developers. It contains a list of internal functions for debugging, troubleshooting and development purposes.
We do not guaranty any kind of backward compatibility. Usage can cause severe deviation in operation. |
User Functions
Each function gets up to 3 optional integer parameters and an optional return value.
var = user FUNCTION_NAME(1,2,3)
?user FUNCTION_NAME(1,2,3)
Unused parameters are zero
Name | Parameter 1 | Parameter 2 | Parameter 3 | Return Value | Description |
USR_GET_RUN_TIME_ERROR | none | none | none | error code | Value of last run-error |
USR_GET_ASSERTED_ERROR | none | none | none | error code | Value of last run-error delivered to interpreter from other module. |
USR_GET_RECENT_ERROR | none | none | none | error code | Value of recent error |
USER_CAN_GET_VFB | axis | none | none | VFB | axis 1,2,3... return value mapped to VFB |
USER_CAN_SDO_WRITE | drive address and value size | IndexSubindex | Value | Error code | example: user USER_CAN_SDO_WRITE(0x0101,0x606000,7) will write 7 into object dictionary 0x6060 with subIndex zero |
USER_CAN_SDO_READ | drive address | IndexSubindex | none | Error code | example: USER_CAN_SDO_READ(1,0x606100,0) will read from object dictionary 0x6061 with subIndex zero |
USER_SKIP_SYNC | number | none | none | none | Skip number of syncs for debugging purposes |
USER_DELAY_SYNC | delay in μs | lCpuClockMzh | none | none | Create artificial delay in single SYNC messages |
USER_SET_ES_LOCK_DETECT_TIMEOUT | delay in ms | none | none | none | ???? |
USER_GET_ES_LOCK_DETECT_TIMEOUT | delay in ms | none | none | none | ???? |
ENCRYPTFILE | file name | none | none | none | Encrypt file, this function requires definition in proto.pro |
EC_SET_TX_ERR | number | none | none | none | Generate a number of consecutive tx errors. For debugging purposes. |
MOT_CVEL | axis handle 1..32 | none | none | velocity command in drive units(counts) sent to driver over filedbus | example: user MOT_CVEL(1,0,0)' returns velocity command in drive units(counts) sent to driver over filedbus |
EC_SET_TX_ERR | x - number of EtherCAT transmission errors to simulate (will not send x frames) | none | none | none | example: user EC_SET_TX_ERR(1,0,0)' simulated 1 missing frame |
none | none | none | none | none | none |
C Functions
Usage: Just call it as normal MC-BASIC functions
Name | Syntax | Return Value | Description |
SET_AI_MAX_TRAN | import_c SET_AI_MAX_TRAN(byval as double) as long | error code (0 - OK) | Setting max allowed transnational [mm] deviation in AI blending (Polishing) |
SET_AI_MAX_ROT | import_c SET_AI_MAX_ROT(byval as double) as long | error code (0 - OK) | Setting max allowed rotational [deg] deviation in AI blending (Polishing) |
RBT_XYZ2ZYZ | IMPORT_C RBT_XYZ2ZYZ(byval as generic location, as generic location) as long | error code (0 - OK) | XYZ -> ZYZ |
RBT_ZYZ2XYZ | IMPORT_C RBT_ZYZ2XYZ(byval as generic location, as generic location) as long | error code (0 - OK) | ZYZ -> XYZ |
RBT_TOOL_CALIBRATION_ARRAY | IMPORT_C RBT_TOOL_CALIBRATION_ARRAY(as generic location, byval as long, as generic location) as long | error code (0 - OK) | |
RBT_TABLE | IMPORT_C RBT_TABLE(byval as generic location, byval as generic location, byval as generic location, as generic location) as long | error code (0 - OK) |