Creates a file with the name given in the string expression. The name should be in the form, *.prg. It stores values of the global variables specified with type/robottype in a standard MC-BASIC format. The stored file is in automatically executable format: Program Continue/Terminate Program. Are enclosing the values assignments.
If a file with such a name already exists, it will be renamed to a *.bak file. If the *.bak file already exists, it will be rewritten.
ROBOTTYPE definds the type of robot point variables , defined by TYPE .
It's usefull only with TYPE , specified as robot Locations or Joint variables.
Use APPEND to add new lines at the end of the original contents of the file.
Use NEW to overwrite the previous file.
SAVE FILE = <filename string> TYPE = <variable type> {ROBOTTYPE= <robottype>} {VARIABLENAME= <variable_name string>} {MODE= <APPEND or NEW>}
Since Version 3.7.x
<variable_name string> = any regular expression using "*" and "?" signs for filtering the name list (same as DIR).
< robottype> : XYZR, - Three cartesian axes + roll
XY – two axes XY table
XYZ – three axes XYZ system
XYZYPR - X-Y-Z-Yaw-Pitch-RollUnits N/A
Configuration, Task, Terminal
SAVE file=”all.prg” type = all MODE= APPEND
SAVE file=”points.prg” type = Location robottype = XYZR MODE= NEW