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<big>'''Another task option:'''</big>  
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Revision as of 10:27, 6 August 2017

The following example demonstrates how to define an PIPEMODE functions library, and a basic use of it with simple motion commands.


The following is an optional library for PIPEMODE:

' File:        Pipe.lib
' Purpose:     Pipe-Mode auxiliary functions
' Version:     1.00
' Author:      Mirko.Borich
' Description:
' History:     
' User C-functions:
import_c ECFAST_HOST_DOUBLE_SET(byval as long,byval as double) as long
import_c MOT_GET_PIPE_ERROR(byval as long) as long
import_c MOT_GET_PIPE_PICOUNTER(byval as long) as long
import_c MOT_GET_PIPE_VICOUNTER(byval as long) as long
import_c MOT_GET_PIPE_VELTOL(byval as long) as double
import_c MOT_GET_PIPE_POSTOL(byval as long) as double
import_c MOT_SET_PIPE_VELTOL(byval as long, byval as double) as long
import_c MOT_SET_PIPE_POSTOL(byval as long, byval as double) as long

' Module local errors
dim shared pipe_pos_host_error as error "Error while writing position to hostdouble"
dim shared pipe_vel_host_error as error "Error while writing velocity to hostdouble"
dim shared pipe_error as error "Pipe=Mode Error"

' Function:        PipeWritePosition
' Description:     Writing position value into HOSTDOUBLE array. The position will be written into
'                  array element that corresponds to the given axis and active sys.PipeMode
'                  it is important to select right sys.PipeMode before calling this function.
' Arguments:       axis,  position value (in user units, pcmd and similar)
' Type:            subroutine
public sub PipeWritePosition(ax as generic axis, byval inp_val as double)
dim err as long
  select case sys.pipemode
    case 1 ' pos
      err = ECFAST_HOST_DOUBLE_SET(ax.elementid, inp_val)
    case 2 ' pos vel
      err = ECFAST_HOST_DOUBLE_SET(2*(ax.elementid-1) + 1, inp_val)    
    case 3 ' vel
      throw  pipe_pos_host_error
    case else
      throw  pipe_pos_host_error
  end select     
  if err then
      throw  pipe_pos_host_error
  end if
end sub

' Function:        PipeWriteVelocity
' Description:     Writing velocity value into HOSTDOUBLE array. The velocity will be written into
'                  array element that corresponds to the given axis and active sys.PipeMode
'                  it is important to select right sys.PipeMode before calling this function.
' Arguments:       axis,  velocity value (in user units, vcmd and similar)
' Type:            subroutine
public sub PipeWriteVelocity(ax as generic axis, byval inp_val as double)
dim err as long
  select case sys.pipemode
    case 1 ' pos
      throw  pipe_vel_host_error
    case 2 ' pos vel
      err = ECFAST_HOST_DOUBLE_SET(2*ax.elementid, inp_val)    
    case 3 ' vel
      err = ECFAST_HOST_DOUBLE_SET(ax.elementid, inp_val)
    case else
      throw  pipe_vel_host_error
  end select     
  if err then
      throw  pipe_vel_host_error
  end if
end sub

' Function:        GetPipeError
' Description:     Retrieving the current pipe-error, topically comes from reading hostdoublearray
'                  which is obtained from esfast_HostdblGet
' Arguments:       axis
' Type:            long
public function GetPipeError(ax as generic axis) as long
  GetPipeError = MOT_GET_PIPE_ERROR(ax.elementid)
end function

' Function:        GetPipePositionInaccuracy
' Description:     position-inccurcy error event counter
'                  occurs when ratio between position/velocity increments is invalid
' Arguments:       axis
' Type:            long
public function GetPipePositionInaccuracy(ax as generic axis) as long
  GetPipePositionInaccuracy = MOT_GET_PIPE_PICOUNTER(ax.elementid)
end function

' Function:        GetPipeVelocityInaccuracy
' Description:     position-inaccuracy error event counter
'                  occurs when ratio between position/velocity increments is invalid
' Arguments:       axis
' Type:            long
public function GetPipeVelocityInaccuracy(ax as generic axis) as long
  GetPipeVelocityInaccuracy = MOT_GET_PIPE_VICOUNTER(ax.elementid)
end function

' Function:        GetPipeVelocityTolerance
' Description:     Retrieves the current velocity-tolerance value
' Arguments:       axis
' Type:            double
public function GetPipeVelocityTolerance(ax as generic axis) as double
  GetPipeVelocityTolerance = MOT_GET_PIPE_VELTOL(ax.elementid)
end function

' Function:        GetPipePositionTolerance
' Description:     Retrieves the current position-tolerance value
' Arguments:       axis
' Type:            double
public function GetPipePositionTolerance(ax as generic axis) as double
  GetPipePositionTolerance = MOT_GET_PIPE_POSTOL(ax.elementid)
end function

' Function:        SetPipePositionTolerance
' Description:     set new position-tolerance value
'                  percentage multiplier (1 = 100)%1 defining how big the deviation between 
'                  commanded velocity and position increment can be. If exceeded the 
'                  position-inaccuracy error event counter is incremented
' Arguments:       axis, new value
' Type:            subroutine
public sub SetPipePositionTolerance(ax as generic axis,byval inp_val as double)
  dim err as long
  err =  MOT_SET_PIPE_POSTOL(ax.elementid,inp_val)
  if err then
    throw pipe_error
  end if
end sub

' Function:        SetPipeVelocityTolerance
' Description:     set new velocity-tolerance value
'                  defines the maximum allowed difference between commanded velocity and the previous one 
'                  in user units. If exceeded the velocity-inaccuracy error event counter is incremented
' Arguments:       axis, new value
' Type:            subroutine
public sub SetPipeVelocityTolerance(ax as generic axis,byval inp_val as double)
  dim err as long
  err =  MOT_SET_PIPE_VELTOL(ax.elementid,inp_val)
  if err then
    throw pipe_error
  end if
end sub

Motion-Command Example

This command used the previous library
' File:        <MyTask>.prg
' Purpose:     Just an example of a module header
' Version:     1.00
' Author:      <MyFullName>
' Description:
' History:     YYYY-MM-DD  <MyShortCut>  V1.00
'              Created

' module global "constants"

' module global variables
import pipe.lib
common shared pipe_vel as double = 0
common shared pipe_pos as double = 0

dim tmp as long
dim x as double 
dim omega as double
Attach A1
  sys.PipeMode = 1
  a1.pipemode = 0
  sys.PipeMode = 0
Detach A1

with a1
  sleep 100
  simulated = 1
  pfac = 10000
  vfac = pfac/1000
  afac = vfac/1000
  jfac = afac/1000
  positionerrordelay =  4
  pemax = 1
  vmax = 1000
  amax = 10000
  dmax = 10000
  jmax = 100000
  vospd = 1100
  smooth = -1
  prftype = -1 
  velocitysafetylimit = 100000
  en = 1
end with

Attach a1
  a1.en = 1
  sleep 100
  move a1 0 abs = 1
  waitformotion a1
  sleep 100
  a1.En = 0

  record test.rec 50000 gap  = 1 recdata = a1.PCmd,a1.vCmd, a1.pfb, a1.PipeMode , a1.en, a1.accelcmd
  Print "Start Position"
  sys.PipeMode = 1 ' pos only
  call PipeWritePosition(a1,0)
  a1.pipemode = 1
  call SetPipePositionTolerance(a1, 1.3) ' Questionable, but we start with very high velocity
  call SetPipeVelocityTolerance(a1, 50) 
  for x = 0 to 2*pi+0.5*2*pi/360  step 2*pi/360  ' 1 deg per 4 ms or 0.017 rad /4ms = 0.0043 rad/ms = 4.3 rad/sec
    call PipeWritePosition(a1,10*sin(x))
    ' First velocity will be 43 uu/sec
    sleep 4
  sleep 100
  a1.pipemode = 0
  sleep 100
  a1.En = 0
  sleep 100
  sys.PipeMode = 2 ' pos & vel only
  Print "Start Position & Velocity"
  call PipeWritePosition(a1,0)
  call PipeWriteVelocity(a1,0)
  a1.pipemode = 1
  omega = 2*pi/360/4*1000 ' in rad/sec
  call SetPipeVelocityTolerance(a1, 50) ' First velocity will be 43 uu/sec
  for x = 0 to 2*pi+0.5*2*pi/360  step 2*pi/360  ' 1 deg per 4 ms or 0.017 rad /4ms = 0.0043 rad/ms = 4.3 rad/sec
    call PipeWritePosition(a1,10*sin(x))
    call PipeWriteVelocity(a1,10*omega*cos(x))    
    sleep 4
  sleep 100
  a1.pipemode = 0
  sleep 100
  a1.En = 0
  sleep 100
  sys.PipeMode = 3 ' vel only
  Print "Start Velocity"
  call PipeWriteVelocity(a1,0)
  a1.pipemode = 1
  omega = 2*pi/360/4*1000 ' in rad/sec
  call SetPipeVelocityTolerance(a1, 50) ' First velocity will be 43 uu/sec
  for x = 0 to 2*pi+0.5*2*pi/360  step 2*pi/360  ' 1 deg per 4 ms or 0.017 rad /4ms = 0.0043 rad/ms = 4.3 rad/sec
    call PipeWriteVelocity(a1,10*omega*cos(x))    
    sleep 4
  sleep 100
  a1.pipemode = 0
  sleep 100
  a1.En = 0
  sleep 100
Detach A1  
end program ' <MyTask>.prg

Another task option:

' File:        <MyTask>.prg
' Purpose:     Just an example of a module header
' Version:     1.00
' Author:      <MyFullName>
' Description:
' History:     YYYY-MM-DD  <MyShortCut>  V1.00
'              Created

' module global "constants"

' module global variables

program continue
with a1
  sleep 100
  simulated = 1
  pfac = 10000
  vfac = pfac/1000
  afac = vfac/1000
  jfac = afac/1000
  REM positionerrordelay =  4
  pemax = 100
  vmax = 1000
  amax = 10000
  dmax = 10000
  jmax = 100000
  vospd = 1100
  smooth = -1
  prftype = -1 
  velocitysafetylimit = 10*vmax
  vospd = 1.2*vmax
  en = 1
end with
terminate  program ' <MyTask>.prg