Program Examples:User Kinematics/zh-hans

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语言: English  • 中文(简体)‎


本主题仅适用于高级用户。 您必须是机器人和C编程方面的专家才能从此功能中受益。

将使用SCORBOT机器人给出用户定义的运动学的一个例子。 附件文件:


在Scorbot机器人中,第二,第三和第四关节轴线彼此平行并分别在点A,B和P处指向纸面。 第一关节轴垂直指向,第五关节轴垂直相交。推导出机器人的整体变换矩阵。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

static const double PI 		= 3.14159265358979323846;
#include "rbtUKin.typ"

// Example of SCORBOT, 5 Dof robot type: RRRRR

static double d1 = 170; // mm
static double a1 = 50; // mm
static double a2 = 300; // mm
static double a3 = 250; // mm
static double d5 = 90; // mm

static double rmin = 10;		// arbitrary values, just for example
static double rmax = 800;

static double a22, a32, a2a3; // Intermidiate values computed in SETUP

#define SIGN_EPS 1e-4
inline double Sqrt(double x) { return (x<=0 ? 0: sqrt(x));}
inline int    _signE(double x) { return (x < -SIGN_EPS ? -1 : (x > SIGN_EPS ? 1: 0));} // Special sign function, rejects anything which is less then SIGN_EPS

// Some definitions used for simpler computations:
// A05 = [U V W], rotation matrix

#define Ux A05[0][0]
#define Uy A05[0][1]	
#define Uz A05[0][2]	

#define Vx A05[1][0]
#define Vy A05[1][1]	
#define Vz A05[1][2]	

#define Wx A05[2][0]
#define Wy A05[2][1]	
#define Wz A05[2][2]	

// Cartesian point: X,Y,Z + orientation quaternion
// Quaterniond is of the form: Cos(phi/2), n*Sin(Phi/2) where n is unit vector ||n|| =1
#define X cpnt[0]
#define Y cpnt[1]
#define Z cpnt[2]

#define Ro cpnt[3]
#define sinNx cpnt[4]
#define sinNy cpnt[5]
#define sinNz cpnt[6]

// Joint coordinates
#define THETA1 0
#define THETA2 1
#define THETA3 2
#define THETA4 3
#define THETA5 4

// Some small eps values
#define MAT_EPS 	   1e-4
#define QUAT_EPS 	   1e-20
#define SYS_ACCURACY 1e-13

// Rotation Matrix to Quaternion:
static void Mat2Quat(double A[3][3], double *cpnt)
// for cos(phi):	q(1) = (trace(a) +1)/2;
//      A32 - A23          A13 - A31           A21 - A12
//	Nx = ---------     Ny = ---------      Nz = ---------
//      2sin(phi)          2sin(phi)           2sin(phi)
// but we need cos(phi/2)!
// The quaternion is defined as: [cos(phi/2),C*sin(phi/2)]
// Using: cos^2(x) = 1/2 + 1/2 cos(2x)

	double cphi = (A[0][0] + A[1][1] + A[2][2] - 1.0)/2.0;
	Ro = Sqrt((1+cphi)/2.0);  // Ro = cos(phi/2)!
//	double sphi  = Sqrt(1 - cphi*cphi);
// CS.x = sin(phi/2)*Nx = sin(phi/2) (A32-A23)/2sin(phi); 
// So the multiplier is: sin(phi/2)/2sin(phi) = 1/4cos(pih/2) !!!
	if (fabs(Ro) > QUAT_EPS)
		double f = 1/(4*Ro);
		sinNx = (A[2][1]-A[1][2])*f;
		sinNy = (A[0][2]-A[2][0])*f;
		sinNz = (A[1][0]-A[0][1])*f;
	else // phi = PI, n is not defined, we will try the best we can do
	// A = 1 + 2*Ro*Cross(CS) + 2*Cross(CS)^2
	// ....................................................................................................   
	//          0   -z    y                   0   -z    y      0   -z    y    -z^2-y^2     x*y      x*z
	//	Cross =  z    0   -x   --->  Cross^2 = z    0   -x  *   z    0   -x  =    x*y    -z^2-x^2    y*z
	//         -y    x    0                  -y    x    0     -y    x    0       x*z       z*y   -y^2-x^2
	// But Ro is zero, therefore:
	// A = 1 + 2*Cross(CS)^2
	// ....................................................................................................   
	//       1-2*z^2-2*y^2     2*x*y      2*x*z
	//	A  =    2*x*y     1-2*z^2-2*x^2    2*y*z
	//         2*x*z       2*z*y   1-2*y^2-2*x^2
	// A[0][0] + A[1][1] - A[2][2] = 2-4z^2 - 2*(x^2+y^2) - 1 + 2*(x^2+y^2) = 1 - 4z^2
	//  z = (+/-)0.5*Sqrt(1 - (A[0][0] + A[1][1] - A[2][2]))
	//  y = (+/-)0.5*Sqrt(1-2*z^2-A[0][0])
	//  x = (+/-)0.5*Sqrt(1-2*y^2-A[1][1])
		double _4z2   = 1 - (A[0][0] + A[1][1] - A[2][2]);
		double _2z2   = _4z2/2;
		double _2y2   = 1 - _2z2 - A[0][0];
		double _2x2   = 1 - _2y2 - A[2][2];
	// Assume all same sign
		sinNx = Sqrt(0.5*_2x2);
		sinNy = Sqrt(0.5*_2y2);
		sinNz = Sqrt(0.5*_2z2);

	// Check the other eleemnts:
		int sxy = _signE(A[1][0]);
		int sxz = _signE(A[2][0]);
		int szy = _signE(A[2][1]);
		if      ( sxy && sxz ) 
			// Assume x is positive!
			sinNy *= sxy;
			sinNz *= sxz;
		else if ( sxy && szy )
			// Assume y is positive!
			sinNx *= sxy;
			sinNz *= szy;
		else if ( sxz && szy )
			// Assume z is positive!
			sinNx *= sxz;
			sinNy *= szy;
		else if (sxy)
			// Assume x,z are positive!
			sinNy *= sxy;
		else if (sxz)
			// Assume x,y are positive!
			sinNz *= sxz;
		else if (szy)
			// Assume x,z are positive!
			sinNy *= szy;


// Quaternion to Rotation Matrix:
static void Quat2Mat(double *cpnt, double A[3][3])

//	Q = unit + (2.0*Ro)*cross + 2.0*(cross*cross);

	double Ro2 = (2.0*Ro);
	double Nz  = Ro2*sinNz;
	double Ny  = Ro2*sinNy;
	double Nx  = Ro2*sinNx;

	double z2 	 = sinNz*sinNz;
	double y2 	 = sinNy*sinNy;
	double x2 	 = sinNx*sinNx;

	double z2y2  = 2*(-z2-y2);
	double z2x2  = 2*(-z2-x2);
	double y2x2  = 2*(-y2-x2);

	double xy     = 2*sinNx*sinNy;
	double xz     = 2*sinNx*sinNz;
	double zy     = 2*sinNz*sinNy;

	A[0][0] = A[1][1] = A[2][2] = 1.0; // A = 1

	// A = 1 + 2*Ro*Cross(CS)	
                    	A[0][1] = -Nz; A[0][2] =  Ny;
	A[1][0] =  Nz;                 	A[1][2] = -Nx;
	A[2][0] = -Ny;    A[2][1] = Nx;                    

	// A = 1 + 2*Ro*Cross(CS) + 2*Cross(CS)^2
// ....................................................................................................   
//          0   -z    y                   0   -z    y      0   -z    y    -z^2-y^2     x*y      x*z
//	Cross =  z    0   -x   --->  Cross^2 = z    0   -x  *   z    0   -x  =    x*y    -z^2-x^2    y*z
//         -y    x    0                  -y    x    0     -y    x    0       x*z       z*y   -y^2-x^2
   A[0][0] += z2y2;  A[0][1] += xy;    A[0][2] +=  xz;
	A[1][0] += xy;    A[1][1] += z2x2;  A[1][2] +=  zy;
	A[2][0] += xz;    A[2][1] += zy;    A[2][2] +=  y2x2;                 

// Setup function, called from ConfigGroup, used for some off-line computations
int Setup()
	a22  = a2*a2;
	a32  = a3*a3;
	a2a3 = a2*a3;
	return 0;

// configuration bits:  b0-1: Shoulder, b2-3: Elbow, b4-5: Wrist, b6-7:Turn1, b8-9: Turn2, ....
int Config(double *jnt)
	int cfg = 0;
	if (jnt[4] <  0) cfg |= 1 << 4;
	if (jnt[4] >  0) cfg |= 2 << 4;
	return cfg;

// Inverse kinematics:
int InverseKinematics(int cfg, double *cpnt, double *jnt)
	double s1,c1;
	double s2,c2;
	double s3,c3;
	double s234,c234;
	double A05[3][3];


	double rxy2 = X*X + Y*Y;
	if (rxy2 > 0.0001) jnt[THETA1] = atan2(Y,X); 


	double s5 = Ux*s1 - Uy*c1;
	if(fabs(s5) > 1.001) return 5;
	else if (s5 > 1)	s5 = 1;
	else if (s5 < -1)	s5 = -1;

	jnt[THETA5] = asin(s5);
	if (((cfg >> 4) & 3) == 2) jnt[THETA5] += PI;		

	if (Uz*Uz + (Ux*c1 + Uy*s1)*(Ux*c1 + Uy*s1) < 0.0001) return 4;

	double Theta234 = atan2(-Uz, (Ux*c1 + Uy*s1));
	double k1 = X*c1 +Y*s1 -a1 + d5*s234;
	double k2 = -Z + d1 - d5*c234;

	c3 = (k1*k1 + k2*k2 - a22 - a32)/(2*a2a3);

	if (fabs(c3) > 1.001)		return 3;
	else if (c3 > 1)	c3 = 1;
	else if (c3 < -1)	c3 = -1;

	jnt[THETA3] = acos(c3);	

	double invdet = (a22 + a32 + 2*a2a3*c3);
	if (fabs(invdet) < 1e-10) return 2;

	c2 = (k1*(a2 + a3*c3) +k2*a3*s3)/invdet;
	s2 = (-k1*a3*s3 + k2*(a2+a3*c3))/invdet;

	jnt[THETA2] = atan2(s2,c2);	
	jnt[THETA4] = Theta234 - jnt[THETA2] - jnt[THETA3];		

	return 0;

// Direct Kinematics:
int DirectKinematics(double *cpnt, double *jnt)
	double c1,s1;
	double c2,s2;
	double c23,s23;
	double c234,s234;
	double c5,s5;
	double A05[3][3];


	double L = (a1 + a2*c2 + a3*c23 - d5*s234);
	X  = c1*L; 											// X
	Y  = s1*L; 											// Y
	Z  = d1 - a2*s2 - a3*s23  - d5*c234;		// Z

	Ux = c1*c234*c5 + s1*s5;
	Uy = s1*c234*c5 - c1*s5;
	Uz = -s234*c5;

	Vx = -c1*c234*s5 + s1*c5;
	Vy = -s1*c234*s5 - c1*c5;
	Vz = s234*s5;

	Wx = -c1*s234;
	Wy = -s1*s234;
	Wz = -c234;

	return 0;

// Accessibility test:
int Accessible(double *cpnt)
	double l = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z);

	if (l < rmin) return -1; // Too Close
	if (l > rmax) return  1; // Too Far
	return 0;					 // OK

static RBT_UFUN user;

extern "C"

	int USR_VER(int,int,int) { return 10000;} // Version ID

// Here it is the link function that connects user kinematics to a user group.
	int USR_SCORBOT(int id, int, int)
			user.ijac   = 0;						// No Inverse Jacobian provided
			user.ikin   = InverseKinematics;	// Inverse Kinematics
			user.dkin   = DirectKinematics;	// Direct Kineamtics
			user.setup  = Setup;					// Setup (Off-Line) computations
			user.cfg    = Config;				// Configuration flags function
			user.acces  = Accessible;			// Accessibility test

			// Link to a group:
			return rbt_SetUserKin (id, user);
