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Language: [[::MC-Basic:WITH|English]]  • [[::MC-Basic:WITH/zh-hans|中文(简体)‎]]

This command sets a Default Motion Element (axis or group). Thereafter, the motion element is operated on without having to explicitly indicate the motion element name.

There are 4 ways to use the With statement:

  1. With - Config.prg - The element who set as Default Motion Element (DME) at the Config.prg file, function as DME for whole system. Therefore the only way to change/stop the DME is to "kill" the Config.prg task, and manually change the defaults.
    In case of using Local With statement - The DME will be the one declared on the local statement, and change back to the "Config.prg With" after the task finished.
  2. Local With - Set up a DME for local task. Unlike the "Config With" - using a local With statement require to use With <element>..........End With method.
    This way of use replace the current DME (that declare on the Config.prg or in the Terminal) with a new one, until the task complete.
  3. Terminal With - This way of use designated for run-time changes. After declaring a DME on the terminal, the chosen element will function as DME as long as the user didn't send an "End With" command via terminal. A With command used inside the terminal scope does not affect any programs or vice-versa.
  4. WithGlobal - The DME which create with the "WithGlobal" command replaced the With - Config.prg without shut down the system, or create a new DME in case that there is no such a thing. For more information - WITHGLOBAL


With <element name>


All versions


Configuration, Task or Terminal


With commands cannot be nested. A subroutine called from within a WITH block does not inherit the default motion element, so the element is not defined within the subroutine, and an error is flagged (Local With). A GOTO command is not allowed inside a WITH block; an error is flagged (Local With).







Move A1 100

Can be simplified using:
With A1
       Move 100

End With