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[[Category:Axystems:MC-Basic:Debug Tools|STEPIN]]
[[Category:MC-Basic:Debug Tools|STEPIN]]

Revision as of 09:14, 22 May 2014

This command executes the program step by step. If a CALL instruction is encountered, single stepping continues within the subprogram. If a parent task is in step mode, all events are also in step mode, which means that all events associated with the task are not running, but event scanning continues to run.

If an error occurs while single stepping, the STEPIN (STEPOUT, STEPOVER) commands retry the line which caused the error. The error must be corrected before the task continues.


StepIn <task>


All versions




Task must be in one of the following states ready (7),   stopped (2), error (4), killed (10)


StepIn MAKECUT.prg

See Also