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List of the names of the existing events and their states. The information is returned in the following format:

List of the names of the existing events and their states. The information is returned in the following format:

All versions:

EventName = <event>, State=Running | Stopped | Error, Priority=<priority>, Owner=<parent task>, Edge=Triggered | UnTriggered, Scan=<scan rate>,

Status = On | Off

If the event is enabled, the value of State is 1. If the condition has been detected (i.e., the event has been triggered), the value of Edge is 1. If the event action code is running, the value of State is set to Running.

Versions 3.0 and above:

Name = <event>, Owner=<parent task>, Edge=0 | 1,State=0 | 1,

Scan=<scan rate>, Priority=<priority>, Action = Stop | Run, Status = On | Off

If the event is enabled, the Status is On. If the condition has been detected (the event has been triggered), the value of Edge is Triggered (1). If the parent task or one of its events is running, Action is set to Run.

If a <task> precedes EVENTLIST, only events belonging to the specified task are listed.





All versions




Read only


?EventList                                        ‘returns Name = EV1, Owner = EVENT.PRG,

Edge = 0, State = 1, Scan = 250, Priority = 2, Action = stop

See Also