Robot Working Frames

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Robot Working Frames


Tool is a Robot property which informs the system to use the specified location as the tool transformation. It defines the position and orientation of the tool tip in relation to the center of the tool flange. The default tool transformation is the NULL transformation, which can be expressed as TOOL = #{0,0,0,0,0,0} Example: Puma.tool = #{25,0,100,0,45,0}

Axy;Tool frame.png


Base is a Robot property which informs the system to use the specified location as the base transformation. It defines the position and orientation of the arm in the cell according to the WORLD reference. The default base transformation is the NULL transformation, which can be expressed as Puma.base = #{0,0,0,0,0,0}


MachineTable is a Robot property which informs the system to use the specified location as the machinetable transformation. It defines the position and orientation machine working frame relative to the BASE reference. The default machinetable transformation is the NULL transformation, which can be expressed as Puma.MachineTable = #{0,0,0,0,0,0}


WorkPiece is a Robot property which informs the system to use the specified location as the workpiece transformation. It defines the position and orientation of work-piece relative to the MACHINE TABLE reference. The default base transformation is the NULL transformation, which can be expressed as Puma.WorkPiece = #{0,0,0,0,0,0}

AXY;Robot Working Farmes.png

So we have:


For the given setup user frames will be:
Base = #{300,200,1000,0,180,180}
Tool = #{50,0,0,90,45,0}
MachineTable = #{400,100,0,0,0,0}
WorkPiece = #{20,70,150,0,90,-90}

Therefore we have: PWP= WorkPiece-1: MachineTable-1:Base:PWorld:Tool