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The CIRCLE command issues a circular(arc) path trajectory for the specified group/robot, and uses the properties of that group.

There are two forms of the CIRCLE command. One specifies the group name, the angle and the circle center, the other is defined by circle point and the final point of the arc. The first enables multi-turn circular motion.

These optional properties override the permanent values of the properties for the duration of the command. When using an optional property, the keyword must be specified.

In case of robot models the CIRCLE command issues circular path in Cartesian space (XYZ). Orientation angles are interpolated proportionality to the circle angle.

In PUMA robot the orientation vector is kept orthogonal to the circular path.


Circle <group> Angle = <angle> CircleCenter = {<vector>} {CirclePlane = <circle plane>} {Optional Nodal Property}*


Circle <group> CirclePoint = <vector> TargetPoint = {<vector>} {CirclePlane = <circle plane>} {Optional Nodal Property}*


All versions




<group>: An existing group
<angle>: +/- MaxDouble

<circle plane>:

  • 0 (XY)
  • 1 (XZ)
  • 2 (YZ)

<vector>: location or joint value


Permanent property values are used unless specified otherwise. Final velocity is 0.


Task or Terminal


Applicable only to groups. A group cannot be moved if an axis from the group is being moved individually. A group must be attached in order to be moved from within a task.


Circle XYTable Angle = 90 CircleCenter = {20,10} Vcruise = 500

Circle XYtable CirclePoint = {10,20} TargetPoint = {100,200} Vcruise = 500

See Also