Program Examples:Visualization with RoboDK/zh-hans
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Here is an example of the programs that can be used in order to visualize the PUMA Soft-MC group in RoboDK software.
These programs can be used to visualize one or more PUMA robots.These programs can be modified to allow the visualization of other types of groups/robots.
This pdf file:[1] is a presentation explaining these programs more extensively.
This python file: [2]is the python library used in the example.
Draft hands out working with softMC simulator and RoboDK [3]
The first program is the server side, hosted by the MC.
This program opens a TCP/IP server, waits for the connection of the client (RoboDK) and sends the robot's joints values to the client in an infinite loop.
' File: server.prg
' Purpose: open a TCP/IP server, allow connection of client, and send data to client
' Version: 1.00
' Author: Ron Danon
' Description:
' History: 2016-09-08 server.prg V1.00
' Created
dim shared numOfRobots as long = 1
dim index as long
dim sockNum as long = 1
dim cPort as long = 7132
dim jointStr as string
dim robotGroups[1] as generic group 'same as size of numOfRobots
dim robotNames[1] as string 'same as size of numOfRobots
'---------------Define robot groups and names---------------'
robotGroups[1] = PUMA
robotNames[1] = "robot1"
'robotGroups[2] = PUMA2
'robotNames[2] = robot2
'---------------Opening new socket---------------'
call openNewSocket(sockNum,cPort)
'---------------Connecting to client---------------'
call connectClient(sockNum,cPort,0)
'---------------Main Loop---------------'
while True
call createJsonStr(robotNames,robotGroups,jointStr)
call checkIfReady(sockNum,cPort)
print #sockNum,jointStr
end while
'---------------Close sockets and exit---------------'
' This section is not reached - might be used in future versions
print #sockNum,"finish"
sleep 1000
close #sockNum
Print "Server Closed Sockets. Server Exits"
end program ' server.prg
sub openNewSocket(sockNum as long,cPort as Long)
dim opened as long = 0
while not opened
OpenSocket Options=1 as #sockNum
opened = 1
catch 5043 'socket is already open
print "socket", sockNum, "is already open. trying next socket"
sockNum = sockNum + 1
end Try
end while
print "socket", sockNum, "is set"
end sub
sub connectClient(sockNum as long, cPort as Long, ByVal sockIsOpen as long)
dim str1 as string
if sockIsOpen then
close #sockNum
OpenSocket Options=1 as #sockNum
end if
Accept(#sockNum, cPort)
sleep 500
str1=input$(loc(sockNum),#sockNum) 'receive data to check if connected
?"client is connected"
sleep 200
end sub
sub checkIfReady(sockNum as long,cPort as Long)
'Waits for a 'ready' input from roboDK before sending the next JSON string
dim ready as long = 0
while not ready
while loc(sockNum) = 0 'while no data is available
sleep 10
end while
catch 5041 'client disconnected
print "client disconnected, waiting for connection"
call connectClient(sockNum,cPort,1)
end Try
ready = (input$(loc(sockNum),#sockNum) = "ready") 'check if the input is "ready"
end while
end sub
sub createJsonStr(robotNames[*] as string, robotGroups[*] as generic group, jointStr as string)
'FORMAT --> '{"robotName": [double-a1, double-a2, double-a3, double-a4, double-a5, double-a6]}' <---
'double is in precision of 2 digits after the point, i.e.: '0.12', '179.12'
dim index1 as long
dim index2 as long
dim jointValues as generic joint
jointStr = "{"
for index1 = 1 to numOfRobots
jointValues = robotGroups[index1].PFb
jointStr = jointStr + chr$(34) + robotNames[index1] + chr$(34) + ": ["
for index2 = 1 to 6
jointStr = jointStr + STRD$(jointValues{index2}, "%.2f") + ", "
jointStr = LEFT$(jointStr,LEN(jointStr)-2) + "], "
jointStr = LEFT$(jointStr,LEN(jointStr)-2) + "}"
end sub
'---------------End of functions---------------'
The second program is the client side, running in RoboDK (in python language).
This program uses the class MCenv which inherits from the robolink class of RoboDK.
With this class one can set the puma robots to use, to read the data from the MC and to move the robots in the scene.
import mcEnv
host, port = "", 7132
finsihedTransmit = False
MCE = mcEnv.MCenv()
MCE.setRobot("robot1", "hsr_jr612")
robotList = ["robot1"]
while not finsihedTransmit:
jsonStr = MCE.readJsonStr()
MCE.moveRobots(robotList, jsonStr)
# This section is not reached - might be used in future versions
raise Exception('Finished')