Program Examples:Robot Circle Command
Here is an example of using circle command. we we use puma robot in this example:
Click image for 360° video:
' File: RobCircl.prg
' Purpose: generating circle contour with a puma robot
' Version: 1.00
' Author: Eran Korkidi
' History: 08.DEC.2015 - created
dim shared jntZeroPosition as joint of xyzypr = {0,0,0,0,0,0}
dim shared locCircleCenter as location of xyzypr =#{1101.57 , 0 , -49.804 , 0 , 180 , 0}
dim shared locCircleStart as location of xyzypr = #{901.572 , 0 , -49.804 , 0 , 180 , 0}
Sys.Vrate = 100.0
with Puma
Sleep 100
while NOT En
Sleep 100
end while
call circularMotion
end with
end program
sub circularMotion
dim dVelSlow as double = 20.0
Move PUMA locCircleStart Vcruise=dVelSlow
call waitMotion
Circle PUMA Angle=5*360 CircleCenter = locCircleCenter Vtran = PUMA.VmTran/2
call waitMotion
Move PUMA jntZeroPosition Vcruise=dVelSlow
call waitMotion
end sub
sub waitMotion
while puma.IsMoving
Sleep 1
end while
end sub