Motion Dynamics

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This document describes the inverse dynamic model (IDM) feature used to compensate friction and dynamic effects for motion elements, otherwise leading to positioning errors and suboptimal settling behaviour.

The motivation of the IDM feature is to use additional knowledge about the motion than just the position – i.e. velocity and torque – to offset the command values of the torque controller in order to make them react faster and thereby reduce the final positioning error and improve the settling behavior.

The term inverse dynamic model (IDM) means that the MC takes a cartesian motion of a motion element and not only computes the joint position for the next Cartesian setpoint, but also the joint torque required for the motion. In order to be able to do that, it needs a dynamic model – i.e. a model of the masses and inertias – of the motion element. The joint velocity and torque are then sent to the drives as additional torque command data.


Available Models

The page Axystems:Dynamic Models lists all available dynamic models and also describes all necessary parameters.

Axis / Robot Motions

To understand the difference in behavior between single axes and robot dynamics it is necessary to first understand the way these objects are implemented in the AMCS firmware.

After the reset all command there are only axes objects active in the MC. That means that the position, velocity and other drive commands are calculated cyclically by these axes objects, no matter if an axis is moving or if it is standing. Also the additional torque command is calculated cyclically according to the dynamic models of the axes, which for a standing axis can be a constant value for gravity compensation.

Groups or robots objects instead only become active in the moment they are attached and are deactivated again on detach. As soon as a group is activated, it takes over the control of all axes, which belong to it. That means that the position, velocity and other drive commands are now calculated by the group object, which also includes computation of dynamics. Note: When a group motion command is issued at the terminal, the corresponding group is automatically attached to the terminal for the time period of motion.

As a conclusion of this design, axes of groups with gravity compensation need special treatment. Because at drive power enable the axis object computes the torque command, the gravity compensated axis need single axis dynamics configured. On the other hand, during group motion, the group to which the axis belong to need group dynamics enabled.

Single Axes Dynamics

Setup in aico.assist

Robot Dynamics

Setup in aico.assist

Payload in Applications

Torque Error Monitoring

Setup in aico.assist

Model Parameters Identification

Parameter identification is currently under active development. It will probably be available in early 2012.


Load Compensation