Inverse Dynamic Model/zh-hans
语言: | [[::Inverse Dynamic Model|English]] • [[::Inverse Dynamic Model/zh-hans|中文(简体)]] |
- 1 简介 - 它是如何工作以及优势
- 2 力矩单位
- 3 如何进行动力学模型参数识别
- 4 识别输出文件的说明
- 5 Explanation of the identification process recording file
- 6 Demonstration of tracking improvements (settling, position error)
- 7 Collision detection
- 8 Review of the possible reasons for an identification failure
- 9 How to assess what is the failure reason based on the output files
简介 - 它是如何工作以及优势
术语逆动力学模型(通常称为“转矩计算控制”)意味着softMC负责运动元素的笛卡尔运动,不仅计算下一个笛卡尔设定点的关节位置,还计算运动所需的关节力矩。 为了能够做到这一点,它需要一个动态模型–即运动元素的质量和惯性的模型。 关节速度和扭矩然后作为附加的扭矩命令数据发送到驱动器(见图1)。
在大多数情况下,用户没有动力学模型的参数。在这种情况下,可以使用softMC识别过程来估算这些参数。 softMC可以通过测量并估算一些常用机器人模型的动力学模型参数。 识别过程如下进行:当机器人被命令执行一定的运动时,记录运动参数和机器人内部马达扭矩。 然后,根据机器人模型和测量结果生成机器人的动力学模型的参数。
softMC通过驱动器读取电机的转矩,但不是[Nm]单位。 因此,softMC包含一个名为TorqueFactor(TFac)的轴属性,它将电机的转矩参数分开,以便将其转换为所需的单位。 该操作的结果存储在名为 TorqueFeedback的轴属性中。
- MICONT – 以安培[A]为单位, 但是以毫安[mA]为单位读取,定义了电机的连续电流。这是长运行周期的最大允许值。
- MIPEAK – 以安培[A]为单位,但是以毫安[mA]为单位来读取,定义了电动机的峰值电流。 这是非常短的运行周期的最大允许值。
- MKT – 对旋转电机, 以[Nm/A]为单位读取, 定义了转矩常数,即电机每安培单位电机输出多少转矩。
- MKF – 对直线电机, 以[N/A]为单位读取, 定义了转矩常数,即电机每安培单位电机输出多少转矩。
- I – 以milli-MICONT [0.001 * MICONT]为单位读取。 它表示电流的实际值。它对应于电机中的电流。
100万是为了补偿MICONT单位是[mA],当前实际值是以[0.001 * MICONT]为单位。 通过这种方式定义TorqueFactor会将当前实际值转换为[Nm]的单位(并将该值分配给TorqueFeedback)。 在设置Tfac后,所有的扭矩值(Tfb,TCmd,Tmax,TorqueThreshold,Te)将始终以[Nm](线性轴为[N])为单位。 图2给出了在MC-Basic中这个计算的例子。
CDHD 参数 | EtherCAT 参数 | EtherCat 索引 |
MICONT | 电机额定电流 | 0x6075 |
MIPEAK | 电机峰值电流 | 0x2036 |
MKT | 力矩常数 | 0x2039 |
MKF | 直线电机推力常数 | 0x2038 |
I | 实际电流值 | 0x6078 |
- <axis>.TorqueThreshold - 轴转矩阈值,用于定义TADDCOMMAND值的限制。如果超过此值,softMC引发一个错误。可以将此值设置为用户所需的某个值,或设置为与驱动器MICONT或MIPEAK匹配的值。
- <axis>.AdditiveTorqueDelay - 计算出的附加转矩指令基于pcmd 和vcmd。由于命令与轴的实际位置和速度之间存在延迟,所以相同的延迟应该被提供给附加转矩。AdditiveTorqueDelay用于此目的。该属性以循环时间为单位,它接受正整数值。AdditiveTorqueDelay工作如下:计算出的一定时间的附加转矩指令后只发送AdditiveTorqueDelay给驱动器。此属性的默认值是3。
这里GR代表传动比。 图3显示了一个传动比的例子。
以上所有都是指旋转轴。线性轴和旋转轴相比,是力而不是转矩。这些力以牛顿[N]为单位进行测量。因此,在处理线性轴时应进行一些修改。基本上有两种类型的直线轴 - 带有丝杠/滑轮/其他的旋转电机和直线电机。
这种类型的处理与常规旋转轴一样进行单一修改。用于将旋转运动转换为线性运动的机制将由电机承载的扭矩负载转换为线性轴上的力负载。因此,TorqueFactor应该乘以另一个因子。此参数应包含旋转电机每转一圈(经过齿轮后)的直线运动量。对于丝杆,它将是丝杆导程[毫米/转]。对于一个滑轮,它将是滑轮的半径乘以2π[mm / rev]。TorqueFactor为:
SL代表丝杆导程或等效参数。 图4为一个丝杆导程的例子。
这种类型与普通旋转轴的处理方式相同,但用 MKT 替换MKF属性,单位为[N/A],没有减速比, 因此TorqueFactor为:
驱动器在使用动力学模型时的操作模式应该是周期同步位置模式。 动力学模型用于计算每台电机所需的转矩(或电流),但结果从来都不精确。 附加转矩指令仅用作第3节所述的前馈信号。
PDO 索引 | 描述 |
RX: 0x60B2 | 转矩偏置 –附加转矩信号 |
TX 0x6078 | 实际电流值 – 转矩反馈信号 |
推荐的移动类型是使用正弦波命令。该命令以指定的幅度和频率移动机器人的每个关节。为了获得良好的离散数据,每个关节的振幅应接近其全部位置范围,每个关节的频率应与其他关节不同。每个关节的频率决定了关节之间运动的相关性。如果两个或多个关节具有相同的频率,则它们总是处于相同的相位,这将导致非离散的数据。此外,如果某个关节的频率是另一个关节的频率的倍数,那么在更快的关节的几个周期(更确切地说,乘法因子)之后将会重复相同的运动。实际上,对于任何合理的频率值,运动将在几个周期后重复。但是,为了获得良好的结果,建议每个关节至少获得三个周期的数据。因此,只要运动在这个记录时间内不重复,频率就选择好了。 以下是三种关节机器人的一些示例:
J1 | J2 | J3 | 注释 | 质量 |
1 | 2 | 1.2 | j1和j2将在j1的1个周期和j2的2个周期之后重复 | Bad |
1 | 1.2 | 1.2 | j2和j3将在j2的3个周期和j3的2个周期之后重复 | Medium |
1.1 | 1.3 | 1.5 | j1,j2和j3 将在j1的11个周期,j2的13个周期和j3的15个周期之后重复 | Good |
第一个例子不是一个好的频率选择,第二个例子是好的,最后一个例子是很好的参数选择。 显示这些正弦波组合的图表如图5所示。
最后,关节的速度也很重要。运动过程中的峰值速度应该接近每个关节的最大速度。在高速度下,动力学模型的加速度和速度对象是显着的,从而允许更准确的识别过程。关节的峰值速度可以通过运动的幅度和频率来调节。首先定义每个关节的振幅,然后设置一些任意的频率,例如{1.1,1.3,1.5},然后用一个标量因子乘以频率矢量:factor * {1.1,1.3,1.5}。通过改变因子,可以控制关节的速度。
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = {-30,-30,-30,-200}
7. sineTarget = {70,70,70,200}
8. SWfreq = 0.3*{1,1.27,1.43,1.13}
10. with robot
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 1
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
行号 | 描述 | ||||||||||
6 | 定义系统每个关节的起始位置 | ||||||||||
7 | 定义结束位置 | ||||||||||
8 | 定义每个关节的正弦波的频率(注意频率乘以因子0.3)。总的来说,这些是关节在某一时刻的位置:
| ||||||||||
15 | 定义适合机器人的动力学模型,这将在稍后讨论。 请注意,只有在禁用机器人的情况下,才能修改此参数. | ||||||||||
21 | 将机器人移动到起始位置 | ||||||||||
26 | 开始向目标点正弦波运动 | ||||||||||
29 | 用IdentificationStart命令开始记录数据。在这行上,还可以设置一个将截止频率设置为IdentFilterFreq收集数据(通过pfb和tfb)的低通滤波器。截止频率必须大于最大正弦波频率。可以尝试多个截止频率,并在原始数据和滤波数据之间进行比较,然后选择过滤大部分噪声而不改变实际数据的数据。请查看识别wiki页面,以获取有关可以为IdentificationStart命令设置的参数的更多信息。 | ||||||||||
31 | 设置休眠时间 – 记录时间 | ||||||||||
32 | 停止记录并应用动力学模型参数识别 |
在此任务结束时,将在MC文件夹中创建一个名为IDNT<group num>.PRG和IDNT<group num>.REC的文件。
有两种类型的单轴关节,直线和旋转。这些类型中的每一个都有几个不同的动力学模型,可以在动力学模型wiki页面(和第5.4节)中查看。 简而言之,这些是不同的模型:
- 水平轴
- 倾斜轴 – 相对于垂直轴线具有角度α的轴,范围在0和90度之间(图7)。当α= 0时,轴是垂直的,当α= 90时,轴是水平的(α参数是通过识别找到的(即,它不是用户输入)。
- 简单的旋转轴 - 其质心位于旋转轴上。
- 水平曲柄臂轴(图8左)。
- 垂直曲柄臂轴(图8右)。
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = -350
7. sineTarget = 350
8. SWfreq = 1.5
10. with axis
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 2
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq Abs = 1
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = {-160,-160,0}
7. sineTarget = {160,160,150}
8. SWfreq = 0.3*{1,1.27,1.43}
10. with SCARA
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 1
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = {-160,-160,0,-350}
7. sineTarget = {160,160,150,350}
8. SWfreq = 0.3*{1,1.27,1.43,1.13}
10. with SCARA
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 1
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = {-30,-30,-30}
7. sineTarget = {70,70,70}
8. SWfreq = 0.3*{1,1.27,1.43}
10. with DELTA
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 1
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = {-30,-30,-30,-350}
7. sineTarget = {70,70,70,350}
8. SWfreq = 0.3*{1,1.27,1.43,1.13}
10. with DELTA
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 1
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = {-100,-170,100,-60,-60,-100}
7. sineTarget = {100,-40,235,60,60,100}
8. SWfreq = 0.15*{1.56,1,1.31,1.47,1.21,1.17}
10. with PUMA
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 1
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
到目前为止,半静态模型识别与所有的例子都有一点不同。 这个模型只考虑重力和摩擦力,换句话说它忽略了动力。 因此,测量应该包括可以忽略不计的动态力,这可以通过缓慢运动来实现。
另外,类似于前面的例子,半静态模型阈值数据点的速度。但是与前面的例子不同,这里有两个阈值,一个用于避免非常低的速度,避免数字误差),另一个用于避免高速度(避免显着的动态力)。 这种识别过程的例子:
1. program
2. dim startPoint as generic joint
3. dim sineTarget as generic joint
4. dim SWfreq as generic joint
6. startPoint = {-100,-170,100,-60,-60,-100}
7. sineTarget = {100,-40,235,60,60,100}
8. SWfreq = 0.02*{1.56,1,1.31,1.47,1.21,1.17}
10. with PUMA
11. attach
11. En = 0
12. while En
13. sleep 100
14. end while
15. DynamicModel = 1
16. En = 1
17. while not En
18. sleep 100
19. end while
21. Move startPoint Abs = 1
22. while IsMoving
23. sleep 100
24. end while
26. SineWave sineTarget SineWaveFreq = SWfreq
27. sleep 2000
28. ' IdentFilterFreq is a Low pass filter.Frequency should be below 125 Hz
29. IdentificationStart IdentFilterFreq = 80
30. ' the time of the identification, you can change time.
31. sleep 20000
32. IdentificationFinish
34. stop
35. while IsMoving
36. sleep 100
37. end while
38. proceed
39. En = 0
41. detach
42. end with
43. end program
动力学模型1 - 简单的旋转轴
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | 运动部件的旋转轴周围的总转动惯量 |
- 模型方程
动力学模型2 - 水平曲柄臂轴
序号 | 参数 | Comments |
1 | 运动部件的旋转轴周围的总转动惯量 | |
2 | 曲柄臂的长度的平方(轴到有效载荷) |
- 模型方程
动力学模型3 - 垂直曲柄臂轴
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | 运动部件的旋转轴周围的总转动惯量 | |
2 | 曲柄臂的长度的平方(轴到有效载荷) | |
3 | 质量(无有效载荷)* 重力加速度* 到质心的距离 | |
4 | 重力加速度 * 到有效负载的距离 |
- 模型方程
动力学模型1 - 水平轴
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | 运动部分的总质量。 |
- 模型方程
动力学模型2 - 垂直或倾斜的轴
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | 运动部分的总质量. | |
2 | 由重力产生的恒力 | |
3 | 用于考虑有效载荷质量的重力系数。(g = 9.80665) |
- 模型方程
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 | ||
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 | ||
8 |
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | kg*m2 | |
2 | kg*m2/sec2 | |
3 | kg | |
4 | kg*m2 | |
5 | kg | |
6 | kg | |
7 | kg*m2 | |
8 | kg*m2 | |
9 | m | |
10 | m | |
11 | ||
12 | ||
13 | ||
14 |
PUMA 机器人
- - 重力常数
- - 第 ith个连杆的质量
- - 第ith和第ith+1关节之间的公共法线的长度
- - 在第ith个和第ith+1个关节之间沿z轴偏移
- - 从第ith个关节到第ith+1 个关节质量中心的距离
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | |
kg/m^2 |
2 | kg/m^2 | |
3 | kg/m^2 | |
4 | kg/m^2 | |
5 | kg/m^2 | |
6 | kg/m^2 | |
7 | kg/m^2 | |
8 | kg/m^2 | |
9 | kg/m^2 | |
10 | kg/m^2 | |
11 | kg/m^2 | |
12 | kg/m^2 | |
13 | kg/m^2 | |
14 | kg/m^2 | |
15 | kg/m^2 | |
16 | kg/m^2 | |
17 | kg/m^2 | |
18 | kg/m^2 | |
19 | kg/m^2 | |
20 | kg/m^2 | |
21 | kg/m^2 | |
22 | kg/m^2 | |
23 | kg/m^2 |
动力学模型2 - 重力
序号 | 参数 | 注释 |
1 | kg*m^2/s^2 | |
2 | kg*m^2/s^2 | |
3 | kg*m^2/s^2 | |
4 | kg*m^2/s^2 |
- 执行识别过程没有有效载荷。
- 设置动力学模型参数(通过运行identification PRG文件)。
- 将‘IdentPayload’设置为true,并对有效负载执行识别过程。
NOTE | |
在对有效载荷执行识别过程并将“IdentPayload”设置为true之后,identification PRG文件将包含步骤1中的动态模型参数以及步骤3中的有效载荷参数。 |
NOTE | |
该程序适用于所有动态模型除PUMA机器人的动力学模型1外 |
识别输出PRG文件的示例。该文件在识别过程结束时生成,命名为:IDNT <group num> .PRG:
1. 'Dynamic parameter identification for PUMA succeeded!
2. 'Identification date and time: 29/03/17 08:17:08
3. 'Max relative torque error: axis 1 = 13.86 %; axis 2 = 8.70 %; axis 3 = 7.79 %; axis 4 = 17.87 %; axis 5 = 23.87 %; axis 6 = 43.85 %; (maximal allowed = 50.00 %)
4. 'Mean relative torque error: axis 1 = 3.18 %; axis 2 = 1.71 %; axis 3 = 1.88 %; axis 4 = 3.59 %; axis 5 = 5.88 %; axis 6 = 12.41 %;
5. 'Signal filter cutoff frequency = 20.000 Hz
6. 'Signal data length = 49876 samples (raw record length = 50000 samples)
7. 'Moving data length: axis 1 = 35998 samples (threshold = 0.038770 rad/s); axis 2 = 35405 samples (threshold = 0.031481 rad/s); axis 3 = 36032 samples (threshold = 0.039294 rad/s); axis 4 = 36785 samples (threshold = 0.041069 rad/s); axis 5 = 34931 samples (threshold = 0.038757 rad/s); axis 6 = 29759 samples (threshold = 0.062830 rad/s);
10. PUMA.DynamicParameter[1] = 8.759309007e+01
11. PUMA.DynamicParameter[2] = 1.021832253e+01
12. PUMA.DynamicParameter[3] = 3.042091725e+01
13. PUMA.DynamicParameter[4] = 1.560383089e+00
14. PUMA.DynamicParameter[5] = 0.000000000e+00
15. PUMA.DynamicParameter[6] = 0.000000000e+00
16. A1.ViscousFriction = -1.547427791e+02
17. A1.CoulombFriction = -2.018153298e+01
18. A2.ViscousFriction = -1.603287029e+02
19. A2.CoulombFriction = -4.658045702e+01
20. A3.ViscousFriction = -1.085257604e+02
21. A3.CoulombFriction = -1.961987594e+01
22. A4.ViscousFriction = -1.142833743e+01
23. A4.CoulombFriction = -9.124446870e+00
24. A5.ViscousFriction = -2.468491129e+01
25. A5.CoulombFriction = -3.713111266e+00
26. A6.ViscousFriction = -2.173025205e+00
27. A6.CoulombFriction = -9.724658207e-01
29. PUMA.DynamicModel = 2
2. 'Identification date and time: 29/03/17 08:17:08
3. 'Max relative torque error: axis 1 = 13.86 %; axis 2 = 8.70 %; axis 3 = 7.79 %; axis 4 = 17.87 %; axis 5 = 23.87 %; axis 6 = 43.85 %; (maximal allowed = 50.00 %)
第3行报告记录的最大相对扭矩误差。扭矩误差作为TorqueAdditiveCommand(Taddcmd)减去测量的TorqueFeedback。这个计算的Taddcmd被当作Taddcmd,这个Taddcmd可以用已经确定的动力学参数进行计算,就好像这个运动已经完成了一样。 换句话说,误差是真实数据和拟合模型之间的差异。 相对转矩误差的计算方法是转矩误差除以最大测量转矩反馈(每个关节及其最大转矩反馈值)。 最大相对转矩误差是每个关节相对值的最大值。最大相对转矩误差的公式是:
4. 'Mean relative torque error: axis 1 = 3.18 %; axis 2 = 1.71 %; axis 3 = 1.88 %; axis 4 = 3.59 %; axis 5 = 5.88 %; axis 6 = 12.41 %;
5. 'Signal filter cutoff frequency = 20.000 Hz
6. 'Signal data length = 49876 samples (raw record length = 50000 samples)
7. 'Moving data length: axis 1 = 35998 samples (threshold = 0.038770 rad/s); axis 2 = 35405 samples (threshold = 0.031481 rad/s); axis 3 = 36032 samples (threshold = 0.039294 rad/s);
'axis 4 = 36785 samples (threshold = 0.041069 rad/s); axis 5 = 34931 samples (threshold = 0.038757 rad/s); axis 6 = 29759 samples (threshold = 0.062830 rad/s);
第7行报告每个关节有多少数据点用于模型拟合。 如果这些点中的关节速度低于某个阈值(每个关节的阈值也在该行中报告),则丢弃一些数据点。这是因为低速数据点导致模型拟合的数值误差。 因此,上面解释的所有相对误差只是针对模型拟合所考虑的那些点来计算的。
10. PUMA.DynamicParameter[1] = 8.759309007e+01
11. PUMA.DynamicParameter[2] = 1.021832253e+01
12. PUMA.DynamicParameter[3] = 3.042091725e+01
13. PUMA.DynamicParameter[4] = 1.560383089e+00
14. PUMA.DynamicParameter[5] = 0.000000000e+00
15. PUMA.DynamicParameter[6] = 0.000000000e+00
16. A1.ViscousFriction = -1.547427791e+02
17. A1.CoulombFriction = -2.018153298e+01
18. A2.ViscousFriction = -1.603287029e+02
19. A2.CoulombFriction = -4.658045702e+01
20. A3.ViscousFriction = -1.085257604e+02
21. A3.CoulombFriction = -1.961987594e+01
22. A4.ViscousFriction = -1.142833743e+01
23. A4.CoulombFriction = -9.124446870e+00
24. A5.ViscousFriction = -2.468491129e+01
25. A5.CoulombFriction = -3.713111266e+00
26. A6.ViscousFriction = -2.173025205e+00
27. A6.CoulombFriction = -9.724658207e-01
29. PUMA.DynamicModel = 2
扭矩误差作为TorqueAdditiveCommand(Taddcmd)减去测量的TorqueFeedback。 这个计算的Taddcmd被当作Taddcmd,这个Taddcmd可以用已经确定的动力学参数进行计算,就好像这个运动已经完成了一样。 换句话说,误差是真实数据和拟合模型之间的差异。
相对转矩误差的计算方法是转矩误差除以最大测量转矩反馈(每个关节及其最大转矩反馈值)。 最大相对转矩误差是每个关节相对值的最大值。 如果其中一个关节的这个值大于50%,则认定为失败。 第4行报告平均相对转矩误差,所有记录时间的相对转矩误差平均值被记录并显示在每个关节上。 请注意,相对扭矩误差仅针对处于最小速度限制的点进行评估。
例如: 我们假设对于某个点j1.TorqueFeedback = 80和j1.TorqueAdditiveCommand = 100.对于这一点,j1.TorqueError = 20.假设在记录过程中最大j1.TorqueFeedback是160,那么对于这一点相对转矩误差将是:j1.TorqueError/max(j1.TorqueFeedback) = 20/160 = 0.125 = 12.5%
支持的机器人模型的动力学模型至少有一种动力学模型。 这些模型可以在wiki 页面中 Dynamic Models找到。 每个模型都基于一些由机器人不同部分的质量,长度和惯性组成的参数。 这些是借助识别过程正在评估的参数。 参数保存为robot.DynamicParameter [i],其中robot是机器人名称,i是Dynamic Models页面中所述参数的编号。 每个模型可能有不同数量的参数。
在动力学参数后,出现粘性摩擦和库仑摩擦参数:轴。摩擦摩擦,轴线。库仑摩擦。 机器人的每个关节都有这两个参数来定义它的摩擦系数。
除了这些参数之外,用户还应该考虑设置附加转矩指令的最大允许值。 这可以通过属性TorqueThreshold来设置,例如, a1.TorqueThreshold = 200.如果Taddcmd超过此值,则会给softMC报告错误。
为了使动力学模型生效,只需在禁用机器人(en = 0)时运行IDNT<group num>.PRG文件。 请注意,这应该在机器人设置之后。 为了在系统初始化和机器人设置期间自动加载动态模型配置,只需添加该行:
Load IDNT<group num>.PRG To the end of your AUTOEXEC.PRG or STARTPRG.PRG file, after the robot setup.
Explanation of the identification process recording file
Another file that is generated at the end of the identification process is the data recording file. This file is named: IDNT<group num>.REC. This file contains all of the relevant data that was used by the identification process. Here are the parameters which are displayed for each joint:
- tfbRaw – The raw recorded data of the TorqueFeedback (tfb) property.
- pfbRaw – The raw recorded data of the PositionFeedback (pfb) property.
- tfb – The filtered recorded data of the TorqueFeedback (tfb) property.
- pfb – The filtered recorded data of the PositionFeedback (pfb) property.
- vfb – The filtered recorded data of the VelocityFeedback (vfb) property.
- afb – The filtered recorded data of the AccelerationFeedback (afb) property.
- tcmd – The torque command generated by the fitted model. The found dynamic parameters and the collected data are used to calculate this property. In regular mode, this property will actually be TorqueAdditiveCommand (Taddcmd).
- te – The TorqueError (te) calculated by the difference of the tcmd and tfb data.
This file can be used for better debugging and troubleshooting, as well as for better understanding the identification process. At figure 15 you can find example of an identification output REC file:
Demonstration of tracking improvements (settling, position error)
An experiment was made for a 4 axes scara robot with and without dynamic model. The robot was commanded to move 600[mm] in a straight line with linear velocity of 900[mm/s]. The cartesian velocity of the robot and the ISSETTLED property were recorded during this motion (figure 16 and 17, the ISSETTLED property is scaled by 3000).
The ISSETTLED property indicates whether the actual element position is within the specified settling range. The settling range is defined by the PESETTLE property and is further qualified by the TIMESETTLE property. When the motion profiler has completed, the absolute value of the position error (Target Position – Actual Position) is compared to the PESETTLE property. When the result is less than or equal to this property for the time given by TIMESETTLE, the ISSETTLED flag is set. For this example, the PESETTLE was taken as 0.001.
Therefore, one could expect that a shorter settling time indicates on better performance.
Figures 16 and 17 display the recorded data from the experiment. The results are that the settling time for this motion without dynamic model is 300 ms, and the settling time with dynamic model is 260 ms – ~86.7% of the original settling time.
An experiment was made for a 3 axes delta robot with and without dynamic model. The robot was commanded to move 550[mm] in a straight line with linear velocity of 3000[mm/s]. The cartesian velocity of the robot and the ISSETTLED property were recorded during this motion (figure 17 and 18, the ISSETTLED property is scaled by 3000).
The ISSETTLED property indicates whether the actual element position is within the specified settling range. The settling range is defined by the PESETTLE property and is further qualified by the TIMESETTLE property. When the motion profiler has completed, the absolute value of the position error (Target Position – Actual Position) is compared to the PESETTLE property. When the result is less than or equal to this property for the time given by TIMESETTLE, the ISSETTLED flag is set. For this example, the PESETTLE was taken as 0.05.
Therefore, one could expect that a shorter settling time indicates on better performance.
Figures 17 and 18 display the recorded data from the experiment. The results are that the settling time for this motion without dynamic model is 268 ms, and the settling time with dynamic model is 44 ms – ~16.5% of the original settling time.
PUMA Robot
An experiment was made with and without dynamic model. Axis 3 was commanded to oscillate with the SineWave command while axis 2 was commanded to stay at 0.
Figure 19 shows axis 2 position error for the cases with (top) and without (bottom) dynamic model. The peak to peak amplitude for the cases with and without dynamic model are ~0.6e-3 and ~1e-3 correspondingly. It means that using the dynamic model reduced ~40% of the error for this example.
Collision detection
The dynamic model allows to enable a more delicate collision detection feature. Without the dynamic model, the softMC can detect a collision by thresholding the position error of the robot or joints. However, when using the dynamic model of the robot, a collision can be detected by thresholding the torque error. The torque error reacts quicker than the position error, hence enabling a more delicate collision detection.
In order to activate the thresholding over the torque error for a certain joint, set the property TorqueErrorEnable (Teen) to 1, e.g. a1.Teen = 1. One more property to set is the TorqueErrorMax (Temax), e.g. a1.Temax = 10. This property set the maximum allowed torque error which above it softMC reports an error. Note that the Temax property may vary between joints, usually the bigger the joint’s motor the bigger Temax that the user should allow. Also note that as the dynamic model identification results get more accurate, the Temax can be decreased as the torque error gets smaller.
One last property to consider is the TorqueErrorFilter property. If the torque feedback is noisy, the Temax value can be exceed due to noise which causes false collision triggering. Filtering this noise helps to achieve better collision detection procedure. This property gets values in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. The filter is a very simple averaging filter, it performs as follows:
when TE is the TorqueError property, and TEF is the TorqueErrorFilter property.
Note that usually the largest error occurs in the beginning, ending or direction changing of the movement. Therefore, the magnitude of the errors in these cases determine what the Temax value will be. Nevertheless, these cases are also characterized with very low velocities. Hence, it is possible to write an application that monitors the torque error and joint velocities, and ignore the cases when the velocity is small, or perhaps increase the Temax just for these cases. As a result, the collision detection feature can become very sensitive
Review of the possible reasons for an identification failure
This section reviews some possible reasons that may cause poor results or a failure of the identification process. The next section reviews how to identify these reasons.
Movement is too slow
The dynamic identification model requires that the robot joints will move in a high velocity, as mentioned in section 3. When the joints move at a low velocity, the developed torque in the joints opposes mainly the joints friction and gravity torques, and the acceleration and inertia terms are relatively small. Therefore, the dynamic model parameters identification will perform poorly. Furthermore, the identification process ignores data that is under certain minimal velocity, so moving slowly can also cause for lack of data.
That being said, in such a case, the output PRG identification file may report that the identification process was successful and the resulting max relative errors can be small. However, later, when attempting to move at higher velocities than the velocities used during the identification process, the additive torque command predictions will most likely perform poorly.
Figure 20 shows an example for an identification output REC file for a 3 axes delta robot where the motion was slow during the identification. It is noticeable that the data is very noisy. The reason for that is that the movement is slow, hence the developed torques are small and the relative noise is large
Figure 21 shows the torque error for the same delta robot and the same motion. The top figure is the result of the motion using the retrieved parameters from a slow identification process and the bottom figure is the result of the motion using the retrieved parameters from a good identification process. One can see that the torque errors increase dramatically for the case with slow identification process
Movement is too fast
This problem is less likely to happen, but still, it can cause poor results or a failure of the identification process.
If the robot joints are brought to their limits, the motor torque can reach to a saturation value. The current dynamic model does not take saturation into account, therefore, if saturation occurred, it will cause poor identification results
Movement duration is too short
The identification is based on the collected data that is recorded during the robot movement. If there is not enough data, the identification may overfit the data and will predict accurately just for the region of the collected data. In such case the identification may be reported as successful, hence the user has to judge if the collected data is sufficient. A rule of thumb is that each joint should complete at least 3 cycles.
Movement region is too small
The identification is based on the collected data that is recorded during the robot movement. If the data is not scattered over the entire work area of the robot, the identification may overfit the data and will predict accurately just for the region of the collected data.
In such case the identification may be reported as successful, hence the user has to judge if the collected data is sufficient. A rule of thumb is that each joint should reach position values closely to its negative and positive position limits.
TorqueFactor properties are not configured well
The dynamic model of each robot is based on the MKS system of units defines, hence the torque feedback values should be in units of [Nm]. If the TorqueFactor properties are not configured well than the torque feedback will not have suitable values and the model equations will be wrong.
In such a case, the identification process will perform poorly and the identified model parameters will not be correct.
Wrong type of DynamicModel property
Some kinematic models are assigned with more than one type of dynamic model. These different models are in order to deal with different configurations. For example, a linear axis may be horizontal, vertical, or tilted in a certain angle, each of those configurations has a different dynamic model and different DynamicModel property value.
If a wrong DynamicModel value is set, the identification process will perform poorly.
How to assess what is the failure reason based on the output files
This section reviews some possible failure results of the generated identification files and the identification process. The failures may be the failure of the identification process, or successful identification process with poor performance results.
Identification process failure
An identification failure is the case where one of the joints results with a max relative error larger than 50%. Here are some reasons that may cause this result:
- One or more of the joints moved too slow. This can be identified in the output PRG file in lines 6 and 7. Line 6 reports how many data points were collected for each joint. Line 7 reports how many points are with a velocity larger than the velocity threshold. If the data points number after thresholding for one or more of the joints is significantly smaller than the total number of collected points, then it means that this joint moved too slow.
- One or more of the joints reached saturation. This can be identified in the output REC file. Open the output REC file and observe only the following properties of the joint in subject: tfb, tcmd and te. Saturation can be identified by seeing that the tfb reaches a sudden plateau while the tdcmd continues regularly.
- Large noise for small joints. For some systems, the noise can be in the same order of magnitude of the mean operation currents. In such cases, the