Program Examples:CT without buffer/zh-hans

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语言: [[::Program Examples:CT without buffer|English]]  • [[::Program Examples:CT without buffer/zh-hans|中文(简体)‎]]

here is an example of how to use conveyor tracking without a buffer. i.e., item trigger only after NOI=0. the procedure includes a global flag that indicates that an item was detected on the conveyor. in real application, probe digital signal should be monitored instead of the global flag.

the following is config file for the conveyor

System.NumberAxes = 5

common shared SCARA as group Axnm=a1 Axnm=a2 Axnm=a3 Axnm=a4 Model=4 of xyzr
common shared LIN_CONV		as moving frame of xyzr 


	A5.AxisName = CONV

        Load ETHERCAT.LIB
        Load EC_USER.LIB
        Load EC_CDHD.LIB
        Load ECX_DIO8.LIB
        Load EC_AI8ME.LIB
        Load CPX_FB38.LIB
        Load EC_HCNC.LIB
        Load EK1100.LIB
        Load TP_PARAM.LIB
        Load TP_EC.LIB
        Load TP.LIB

	sys.DoubleFormat = 1
	sys.NoMotion = 1

        Sys.Name = "SCARA_CT"
	Print "System is ready - " Sys.Name
End Program

the following is a setup file for the conveyor

' File:        conv_su.prg
' Purpose:     setup file for shintech conveyor
' Version:     1.00
' Author:      Eran Korkidi
' Created:     18.NOV.2015

dim shared dConveyorGearRatio	as double = 1.0
dim shared dConveyorPitchRatio	as double = 1.0 ' one link = 12.5 mm, 20 sprockets


	with CONV
			Sleep 100
			while En
				Sleep 1
			end while
			Disp = 0.0
			Sleep 40
			Disp = Pfb
			Sleep 40
			vord = 100
			Print "...."+ ElementName +" - kinematics/geometric setup"
			Abs = 0
			Axistype = 1
			Direction = 1
			if Simulated then
				Positionfactor = 1E7
				Positionfactor = dConveyorGearRatio * Pos_Units[Dadd]/360 / dConveyorPitchRatio
			end if
			Vfac = Positionfactor / 1E3
			Afac = Positionfactor / 1E6
			Jfac = positionfactor / 1E9
			Vmax = 100
			Vospd = 1.2 * Vmax
			Vcruise = 0.5 * Vmax
			Amax = 10 * Vmax
			Dmax = Amax
			Acc = Amax
			Dec = Dmax
			DecStop = 1.2 * Dmax
			Jmax = 10.0 * Amax
			Jerk = Jmax
			Smooth = -1
			prftype = -1
			Pmax = 1
			Pmin = -1
			PmaxEn = FALSE
			PminEn = FALSE
			PositionErrorSettle = 0.1
			PeMax = 10  'mm
			PositionRollOverEnable = FALSE
			if Simulated then
				PositionErrorDelay = 1
				PositionErrorDelay = 5.07
			end if
			BlendingMethod = 0
	end with

end program ' <MyTask>.prg

And here is the task example, to trigger user need to assign xSensorTrigger=1

to stop application xStopCT=1

' File:        SCARA.prg
' Purpose:     handles SCARA in SPS 2015 candyStore
' Version:     1.00
' Author:      Eran Korkidi
' History:     06.Oct.2015	-	Eran Korkidi	-	Created

common shared xStopCT as long = 00
common shared xSensorTrigger as long = 00

dim shared locPlaceHigh as location of xyzr
dim shared locPlaceLow  as location of xyzr
dim shared closeGripperTime as long = 200
dim shared openGripperTime as long = 200

	call CT_setup
	Attach SCARA
	while NOT xStopCT
		Attach SCARA
		SCARA.MasterFrame = LIN_CONV
		if xSensorTrigger then
			xSensorTrigger = 0
			call executePick
			call executePlace
		end if
		Sleep 1
	end while

end program ' <MyTask>.prg

sub CT_setup

	dim dSyncFactor as double = 0.5

	Attach SCARA
		SCARA.masterFrame = NONE
		SCARA.velocitySyncTran			= SCARA.VmTran * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.accelerationSyncTran		= SCARA.AmTran * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.jerkSyncTran				= SCARA.JmTran * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.velocityDeSyncTran		= SCARA.VmTran * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.accelerationDeSyncTran	= SCARA.AmTran * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.jerkDeSyncTran			= SCARA.JmTran * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.velocitySyncRot			= SCARA.VmRot * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.accelerationSyncRot		= SCARA.AmRot * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.jerkSyncRot				= SCARA.JmRot * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.velocityDeSyncRot			= SCARA.VmRot * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.accelerationDeSyncRot		= SCARA.AmRot * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.jerkDeSyncRot				= SCARA.JmRot * dSyncFactor
		SCARA.masterFrame = NONE
		SCARA.BlendingMethod = 1
		SCARA.Cp = 15
		Sleep 1000
	Detach SCARA

	locUpStream = #{0,0,0,0}
	locDownStream = #{0,0,0,0}

	LIN_CONV.Type			= 0 ' linear
	LIN_CONV.Ndof			= 1
	LIN_CONV.UpMaster[1]	= 0.0
	LIN_CONV.DownMaster[1]	= tbd
	LIN_CONV.UpStream[1]	= locUpStream
	LIN_CONV.DownStream[1]	= locDownStream
	LIN_CONV.MasterSource	= CONV.Pcmd
	LIN_CONV.VelocityMaxTrans		= SCARA.VmTran * dSyncFactor
	LIN_CONV.AccelerationMaxTrans	= SCARA.AmTran * dSyncFactor
	LIN_CONV.JerkMaxTrans			= SCARA.JmTran * dSyncFactor
	LIN_CONV.VelocityMaxRot			= SCARA.VmRot * dSyncFactor
	LIN_CONV.AccelerationMaxRot		= SCARA.AmRot * dSyncFactor
	LIN_CONV.JerkMaxRot				= SCARA.JmRot * dSyncFactor

	locPlaceLow  = #{0,0,0,0}
	locPlaceHigh = #{0,0,0,0}

end sub

sub closeGripper
end sub

sub openGripper
end sub

sub executePlace

	Moves SCARA locPlaceHigh
	Moves SCARA locPlaceLow
	call waitMotionGroup
	call openGripper
	Sleep openGripperTime
	Moves SCARA locPlaceHigh
	Moves SCARA locUpStream

end sub

sub executePick

	dim locFixedOffset as location of xyzr
	dim locRelativeVertical as location of xyzr = {0, 0, -30.0, 0}

	Trigger SCARA Ndof=1 Value=CONV.Pfb MasterFrame=LIN_CONV
	SCARA.Slave = 5
	Moves SCARA LIN_CONV.Zero Abs=1 Vrate=50 Arate=50 Drate=50 ' This is superimposed motion, therefore reduce the acc& vel, else acc overshoots occur
	locFixedOffset = #{0,0,0,0} ' camera offset
	Moves SCARA locFixedOffset Abs=0
	while SCARA.IsMoving > 0
		Sleep 1
	end while
	while NOT SCARA.Imfs
		Sleep 1
	end while
	Moves SCARA locRelativeVertical Abs=0
	while SCARA.IsMoving > 0
		Sleep 1
	end while
	call closeGripper
	Sleep closeGripperTime
	Moves SCARA -locRelativeVertical Abs=0
	while SCARA.IsMoving > 0
		Sleep 1
	end while
	SCARA.Slave = 0
	while SCARA.Imfs
		Sleep 1
	end while
	call waitMotionGroup

end sub

sub executeEmptyBuffer

	Attach SCARA
		SCARA.MasterFrame = LIN_CONV
			while TRUE
				NextItem SCARA
			end while
			catch else
		end try
		if SCARA.Noi <> 0 then
			Print "Buffer not empty: " ; systemGroup(i).Noi
		end if
	Detach SCARA

end sub