Modbus Communication API

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Basic Overview

  • This describes how to set up Modbus communication for the softMC, and how to generate softMC scripts to handle Modbus communication.
  • It is assumed you are familiar with the principles of Modbus communication, although some of them will be described in this page.
  • It is also assumed your are familiar with the softMC, ControlStudio and MC-Basic programming.

Modbus Communication Background

  • A Motion Controller (MC) can act as a server (slave), a client (master) or both at the same time.
  • Each MC connection (TCP/RTU) can be used either as a server component (if the connection is used by the MC’s server-side) or as a client component (if the connection is used by the MC’s client-side).
  • Each component has its own parameters that defines it.
  • When the MC acts as a server, all server components share the same memory address space, thus acting as one server with multiple connections.
  • Each server (slave) on a Modbus network has its own deviceID, which is a number between 1 and 247.

The Modbus server registers

  • There are 4 types of registers in the Modbus Server address space:
    1. Bits (1-bit registers)
    2. Input Bits (1-bit READ-ONLY registers)
    3. Holding Registers (16-bit registers)
    4. Input Registers (16-bit READ-ONLY registers)
  • Servers can read and write their own address space.
  • Clients can read and write a remote server’s address space.

Getting Started

In order to get started in using the Modbus features:

  1. Download the required files, according to your system's type:
    1. Required files for modbus_X86.ZIP.
    2. Required files for ARM systems.
  2. Using the ControlStudio File Manager, Upload the following files to your MC:
    1. mb_x86.O (for X86 Systems) / mb_armA9.O (for ARM Systems)
    2. Modbus.lib
    • Notice: From now on, in our examples, we'll use the X86 configuration.
  3. Access the file CONFIG.PRG and modify the program by adding the following two lines:
    Oload mb_x86.O
    Load modbus.lib
    End Program
  4. Upload CONFIG.PRG to the softMC.
  5. Use the ControlStudio Terminal to enter the following:
    reset all
    The system's response:
    This indicates that library MODBUS.LIB has been loaded globally.
    softMC Modbus HMI (2).png
  6. That's it! You're now ready to configure the Modbus system.

Initializing a Modbus Server

To initialize the Modbus server address space, call:

?init_multi_server([bits],[input_bits],[holding registers],[input_registers])
  • The function prints "success" and returns 0 on success, or return an error code on failure.
  • Notice:
    1. This is NOT required when softMC does not run a modbus server.
    2. You can call this method only if no servers are running.

Error codes:

Error Meaning
-1 Memory allocation failure.
-2 Some servers are still running and using an already mapped address space.
-3 Failed to create a modbus mapping.

Server Components

Adding server components

  • Each time you'll add a component, you will receive a handle, which is the component's identifier (for later use).
  • It is best to keep this handles in variables inside your program.

Creating a TCP server component

handle = mb_tcp_server_create([port],[deviceID])
  • This opens a TCP connection to the server on port [port] with deviceID [deviceID], and starts the created server immediately.
  • Returns a handle on success, or an error code on failure.

Error codes:

Error Meaning
-1 Server address spaces isn't initialized yet, please call "init_multi_server(...) and try again.
-2 Failed to create main socket.
-3 Failed to connect.
-4 Failed to create server thread.

Creating an RTU server component

handle = mb_rtu_server_create([type],[port],[baudrate],[data bits],[stop bits],[parity],[deviceID])
  • This opens an RTU connection with the given parameters, and starts the created server immediately.
  • Returns a handle on success, or an error code on failure.

Error codes:

Error Meaning
-1 Server address spaces isn't initialized yet, please call "init_multi_server(...) and try again.
-2 Invalid device string.
-3 Invalid parity.
-4 Failed opening RTU.
-5 Failed allocating query buffer memory.
-6 Failed to set RTU mode.
-7 Unable to connect.
-8 Failed to create server thread.
-9 The device is already in use by another system component.

Stopping Server Components

Stopping a specific server component

You can stop a specific server component by passing its handle to:

result = mb_server_stop([handle])
  • Given a handle, this will stop and free the memory of the appropriate server component.
  • Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Stopping all server components

You can stop all server components with a single call to:

result = mb_server_stop_all

This function will:

  • Stop and free all server components.
  • Free the shared address space.
  • Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Client Components

Adding client components

  • Each time you'll add a component, you will receive a handle, which is the component's identifier (for later use).
  • It is best to keep this handles in variables inside your program.

Adding a TCP Client component

handle = mb_tcp_client_create([ip],[port])
  • This will opens a TCP connection to the client on the given ip and port, and start the client immediately.
  • Returns a handle on success, -1 on failure.

Adding an RTU Client component

handle = mb_rtu_client_create([type],[port],[baudrate],[data bits],[stop bits],[parity])
  • This will open an RTU connection to the client with the given parameters, and start the client immediately.
  • Returns a handle on success, -1 on failure.

Stopping client components

A specific client can be stopped by calling:

result = mb_client_stop([handle])
  • Given a handle, this will stop and free the memory of the appropriate client component.
  • Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Reset the Modbus System

Sometimes, a user may wish to stop all server and client components at once, and reset the Modbus system (for example, when a user want to initialize a different Modbus system). To do that, call:

result = mb_reset

This function:

  • Stops all running servers and clients.
  • Frees their memory.
  • Frees the shared address space.
  • Reset the handle counter.
  • Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Reading and Writing

  • Servers can read and write their own address space.
  • Clients can read and write a remote server’s address space.
  • Therefore, Servers and clients use different functions to read/write data from the address space.

Server Components


  • The following functions read variables from the different types of registers and return them.
  • When a read error occurs, the functions will write [function name] + "ERROR" + [error code] in the Message Log.
Reading from Holding registers
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_REG_LONG([index], [byte_swap], [word_swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_REG_SHORT([index], [byte_swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_REG_FLOAT([index], [byte_swap], [word_swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_REG_DOUBLE([index], [byte_swap], [word_swap], [long swap])
Reading from Bits registers
val = MB_SERVER_READ_BIT([index])
Reading from Input registers
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_INREG_LONG([index], [byte_swap], [word_swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_INREG_SHORT([index], [byte_swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_INREG_FLOAT([index], [byte_swap], [word_swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_READ_INREG_DOUBLE([index], [byte_swap], [word_swap], [long swap])
Reading from Input Bits registers
 val = MB_SERVER_READ_INBIT([index])
Valid Parameters
Parameter Valid Input
Index From 0 to the number of registers available.
Byte_swap 1 or 0 (True/False)
Word_swap 1 or 0 (True/False)
Long_swap 1 or 0 (True/False)


  • The following functions write data into the different types of registers.
  • When a write error occurs, the functions will write [function name] + "ERROR" + [error code] in the Message Log.
Writing to holding registers
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_REG_LONG([index],[new value],[byte swap], [word swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_REG_SHORT([index],[new value],[byte swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_REG_FLOAT([index],[new value],[byte swap], [word swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_REG_DOUBLE([index],[new value],[byte swap], [word swap], [long swap])
Writing to Bits registers
val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_BIT([index],[new value])
Writing to Input registers
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_INREG_LONG([index],[new value],[byte swap], [word swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_INREG_SHORT([index],[new value],[byte swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_INREG_FLOAT([index],[new value],[byte swap], [word swap])
Val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_INREG_DOUBLE([index],[new value],[byte swap], [word swap], [long swap])
Writing to Input Bits registers
val = MB_SERVER_WRITE_INBIT([index],[value])
Valid Parameters
Parameter Valid Input
Index From 0 to the number of registers available.
New value The value to write, must be from the appropriate type.
Byte_swap 1 or 0 (True/False)
Word_swap 1 or 0 (True/False)
Long_swap 1 or 0 (True/False)

Error codes

Error Meaning
-1 Invalid index.
-2 Local server's address space isn't mapped yet.
-3 Failed to catch the register mutex.
-4 Failed to release the register mutex.

Client Components


  • The following functions read variables from the different types of registers in a REMOTE modbus server.
  • The read value is inserted into an existing variable from the appropriate type (long/double).
  • The functions return 0 on success or an error code (not 0) on failure.
Reading from Holding registers
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_REG_LONG([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_REG_SHORT([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_REG_FLOAT([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_REG_DOUBLE([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr])
Reading from Bits registers
val = MB_CLIENT_READ_BITS ([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[num of bits],[dest arr ptr])
Reading from Input registers
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_INREG_LONG ([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr]) 
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_INREG_SHORT([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_INREG_FLOAT([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_READ_INREG_DOUBLE([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[dest ptr])
Reading from Input Bits registers
val = MB_CLIENT_READ_INBITS ([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[num of bits],[dest arr ptr])
Valid Parameters
Parameter Valid Input
Handle The client's unique identifier (received on client creation).
DeviceID The remote server(slave)'s device ID.
Addr The index of the register to read from.
Num of bits (Reading bits) The number of bits to read.
dest ptr / dest arr ptr The variable to store the read data. When reading bits, this must be an array of longs in the appropriate size (>= Num of bits).


  • The following functions write data from existing variables to the different types of registers in a REMOTE modbus server.
  • The functions return 0 on success or an error code (not 0) on failure.
Writing to Holding registers
Val = MB_CLIENT_WRITE_REG_LONG([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[src ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_WRITE_REG_SHORT([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[src ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_WRITE_REG_FLOAT([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[src ptr])
Val = MB_CLIENT_WRITE_REG_DOUBLE([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[src ptr])
Writing to Bits registers
val = MB_CLIENT_WRITE_BIT([handle],[deviceID],[addr],[src ptr])
Valid Parameters
Parameter Valid Input
Handle The client's unique identifier (received on client creation).
DeviceID The remote server(slave)'s device ID.
Addr The index of the register to start writing to.
src ptr The variable that stores the data to be written. This must be a variable from the appropriate type.

Reading and Writing Summary
