Translating Euler Angles

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Translating Euler Angles

Default system representation of Yaw-Pitch-Roll as a sequence of ZYZ can be transformed into XYZ sequence back and forth using the following built-in functions:

function RBT_XYZ2ZYZ(byval xyz as location of xyzypr, byval zyz as location of xyzypr) as long
function RBT_ZYZ2XYZ(byval zyz as location of xyzypr,byval xyz as location of xyzypr) as long


First of all you need to add the following lines into file:

function RBT_XYZ2ZYZ(byval xyz as location of xyzypr, byval zyz as location of xyzypr) as long
function RBT_ZYZ2XYZ(byval zyz as location of xyzypr,byval xyz as location of xyzypr) as long

after issuing reset all you should be able to convert the angels: