How to setup Position Error Delay
How to SetUp Position Error Delay
First Step
- set PEDEL to 1 (minimum value)
- set high value in PeMax
- Run the axis back and forth and record PE and VCMD as :
Command Velocity recordings
Position Error recordings
Compute PEDEL as PE/VCMD, in this case it will be:
PE/VCMD = 0.94/57.74*1000 = 16.2 ms
Taking into account the used value of PEDEL (1) and the sampling time of 4ms we get the new PEDEL value of 5, e.i. PEDEL = 1 + 4 = 5
Second Step
Change the PEDEL(5) to the integer value estimated before and run the test again:
again estimate the error:
PE/VCMD = 0.18/57.74*1000 = 0.317 ms
This means the non-integer communication delay of the drive is 317 micro-seconds. |
which is in units of one sample equal:
317/4000 = 0.078
So setting PEDEL to 5.078 we get:
Example File
common shared Ax as generic Axis
dim i as long
Ax = A1
with Ax
Pedel = 1 ' first run
Pedel = 1 + round(1.68 / 100.0 * 1000.0 / (bus[0].cycleTime/1000)) ' 2nd run. extracted from recordings
Pedel = Pedel + 0.075 / 100.0 * 1000.0 / (bus[0].cycleTime/1000) ' 3rd run. extracted from recordings
PeMax = 10
Sleep 100
Move 0 Vcruise=100 Abs=TRUE
call waitMotion
Record ax_PE.rec 100000 Gap=1 RecData = Ax.Pe, Ax.Vcmd
Sleep 100
for i = 1 to 3
Move 100 Vcruise=100 Abs=TRUE
call waitMotion
Sleep 100
Move 0 Vcruise=100 Abs=TRUE
call waitMotion
Sleep 100
Sleep 100
PeMax = 0.1
end with
terminate program
sub waitMotion
while Ax.IsMoving
Sleep 1
end while
end sub