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This page gives an overview over the available payload properties, their uses and meaning.

Rotational Axes

Dynamic Model 1 - simple rotary axis

The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadInertia - the inertia of the payload in the axis direction relative to the axis location - .

Dynamic Model 2 - horizontal crank-arm axis

The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadInertia - the inertia of the payload in the axis direction relative to the axis location - .

Dynamic Model 3 - vertical crank-arm axis

The relevant payload properties for this model are:

  • payloadMassRMassG - the payload mass times the distance to the center of mass of the payload times gravity - .
  • payloadMassRMassSqIxx - the inertia of the payload in the axis direction relative to the axis location - .

Linear Axes

Dynamic Model 1 - horizontal axis

The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .

Dynamic Model 2 - vertical or tilted axis

The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .

Dynamic Model 3 - vertical axis with a spring

The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .

Scara Robots

Dynamic Model 1

The relevant payload properties for this model are:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .
  • payloadInertia - the inertia of the payload in the 4th axis direction relative to the 4th axis location - .

Dynamic Model 2

The relevant payload properties for this model are:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .
  • payloadInertia - the inertia of the payload in the 4th axis direction relative to the 4th axis location - .

Dynamic Model 3

The relevant payload properties for this model are:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .
  • payloadInertia - the inertia of the payload in the 4th axis direction relative to the 4th axis location - .
  • payloadLx - The distance to the center of mass from the 4th axis in the x direction - .

When using identification with this model, all of the payload parameters can be found.

Dynamic Model 4

This model is used in identification process in order to identify the payloadMass parameter only, by moving only joint number 3.
The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .

Dynamic Model 5

This model is used in identification process in order to identify the payloadInertia and payloadLx parameters, by moving only joint number 4 and very small movements in joints 1 and 2.
The relevant payload properties for this model are:

  • payloadInertia - the inertia of the payload in the 4th axis direction relative to the 4th axis location - .
  • payloadLx - The distance to the center of mass from the 4th axis in the x direction - .

Delta Robots

Dynamic Model 1

The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .

Puma Robots

Dynamic Model 1

The relevant payload properties for this model are:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .
  • payloadInertia - the inertia of the payload in the 6th axis direction relative to the 6th axis location - .
  • payloadMassRMass - the payload mass times the distance to the center of mass of the payload in the TCP z axis direction - .
  • payloadMassRMassG - the payload mass times the distance to the center of mass of the payload in the TCP z axis direction times gravity - .
  • payloadMassRMassSqIxx - the inertia of the payload in the TCP x axis direction relative to the 5th axis location - .

Dynamic Model 2 - Gravity

The relevant payload property for this model is:

  • payloadMass - the mass of the payload - .