File used for setting important sotMC system parameters before starting the fw
To be used only by experienced user! |
- ramdisksize
- libstacksize
- taskstacksize
- ifaddr
- sysdatarecfilename
- sysdatareclen
- sysdatarecposttriglen
- haplsstartoutput
- haplsrange
- translatormempartsize
- passbuffersize
- ipaddressmask
Examples: <br> ipaddressmask <br> ipaddressmask dhcp <br>
- defaultgw
- netif
- sleep
- stringblockpreload
Set a number of pre-allocated fixed blocks for string management <br> Example: stringblockpreload 200000 <br> Rules: 1. For best performance This number shell be tuned to the maximum number (BlockMallocCounter) of "common shared" strings/structures used by application Hints: <br> BlockMallocCounter: maximum ("saturated") number of fixed blocks <br> BlockInuseCounter: number of blocks allocated at this moment <br>
- stringpreload
- hpetfreq
- defaultbus
- singlebus
- cantimings
- socandevice
- tcp_keepalive_time
- tcp_keepalive_intvl
- tcp_keepalive_probes