Program Examples:Cam table with shutdown and restart/zh-hans

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这是使用带有系统停止的凸轮表的示例。 在这个例子中,系统停止后,我们考虑从站pfb被移动的可能性,因此主偏移量将通过线性插值来计算。

'************************ cam table continuation ************************ 
' File:		camTest.LIB
' Purpose:	this program executes master-slave motion with relation of cam
'			table. the objective of the task is to allow continuing slave
'			motion even after system stopped: direction and target position
'			in this program we have a chain of slaves:
'			MASTER --[gear]--> INTERMIDIATE --[cam]--> CARRIAGE
' Version:
' Author:	Eran Korkidi
' History:	1.MAY.2015		V1.0.0.0  -  Eran Korkidi  -  Created

common shared MASTER			as generic axis = A4
common shared INTERMIDIATE		as generic axis = A5
common shared CARRIAGE			as generic axis = A3
common shared camCarriagePos	as CAM
common shared camCarriageNeg	as CAM
common shared xStop				as long = 0

dim shared CARRIAGE_PREV_POS		as string
dim shared CARRIAGE_PREV_CAM		as string
dim shared CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS		as string

dim shared lMasterHalfPath		as long = 10000
dim shared dMasterPosition		as double = 0.0
dim shared dCarriagePosition	as double = 0.0
dim shared sActiveCam			as string = "camCarriagePos"


	dim i						as long
	dim dPositionDifferenace	as double = 10.0
	dim ltableSize				as long

	Attach MASTER			'	allow task to control MASTER       axis
	Attach INTERMIDIATE		'	allow task to control INTERMIDIATE axis
	Attach CARRIAGE			'	allow task to control CARRIAGE     axis

			Load tex_el.prg	'	get data from previous run (positions and active cam table)
			catch else
			Print "tex-el.prg file doesnt exist, assigning default parameters"
			CARRIAGE_PREV_CAM	= "camCarriagePos"
		end try

		dCarriagePosition =  Val(CARRIAGE_PREV_POS)	'	convert prev position from string to double
'		if Abs(dCarriagePosition - CARRIAGE.pfb) > dPositionDifferenace then ' TBD threshold
			dCarriagePosition = CARRIAGE.pfb	'	get current position
			call calcMasterOffset	'	calculate the position of the master according to the position of the slave (carriage)
'		end if

		Sleep 100
		dMasterPosition = Val(CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS) MOD (2 * lMasterHalfPath)	'	find the position of MASTER inside the cycle of MASTER in the cam table. eg, 2100345.678 MOD 2000 = 345.678
		sActiveCam = CARRIAGE_PREV_CAM	'	assign the same camtable that was undergoing before system stop
			ltableSize = lMasterHalfPath	'	in this example we have distance of 10000 shared by 10000 master data entries
			CreateCamData ltableSize camCarriagePos	'	build cam table of size ltableSize = 10000
			CreateCamData ltableSize camCarriageNeg	'	build cam table of size ltableSize = 10000
			LoadCamData CRG_POS.CAM camCarriagePos	'	get data of cam table from previous run
			LoadCamData CRG_NEG.CAM camCarriageNeg	'	get data of cam table from previous run
			catch 8042
			catch 3077
			catch else
				for i = 1 to ltableSize													'	in case the cam tables don't exist - built them
					camCarriagePos.MasterData[i] = i-1									'	[0   , ...... , 10000]
					camCarriagePos.SlaveData[i] = (i-1)*0.01							'	[0.0 , ...... , 100.0]
				camCarriagePos.MasterData[ltableSize] = lMasterHalfPath
				camCarriagePos.SlaveData[ltableSize] = lMasterHalfPath * 0.01
				for i = 1 to ltableSize
					camCarriageNeg.MasterData[i] = lMasterHalfPath + (i - 1)			'	[10000 , ...... , 20000]
					camCarriageNeg.SlaveData[i] = (lMasterHalfPath - (i - 1)) * 0.01	'	[100.0 , ...... , 0.0  ]
				camCarriageNeg.MasterData[ltableSize] = 2 * lMasterHalfPath
				camCarriageNeg.SlaveData[ltableSize] = 0.0
				StoreCamData CRG_POS.CAM camCarriagePos							'	keep cam table for next run
				StoreCamData CRG_NEG.CAM camCarriageNeg							'	keep cam table for next run
		end try

		camCarriagePos.Previous = camCarriageNeg		'	   /
		camCarriageNeg.Previous = camCarriagePos		'	  /	camCarriageNeg --> camCarriagePos --> camCarriageNeg --> camCarriagePos ....
		camCarriagePos.Next = camCarriageNeg			'	 /
		camCarriageNeg.Next = camCarriagePos			'	/

		INTERMIDIATE.MasterSource = MASTER.PositionFeedback
		INTERMIDIATE.GearRatio = 1

		CARRIAGE.GearRatio = 1.0
		CARRIAGE.CamOffset = dMasterPosition					'	here we assign the offset on the masterdata inside the range (masterData[1] .... masterData[activeCamTable.Size] )
		if Ucase$(sActiveCam) = Ucase$("camCarriagePos") then	'	set the correct active cam
			CARRIAGE.FirstCam  = camCarriagePos
			CARRIAGE.FirstCam  = camCarriageNeg
		end if			
		CARRIAGE.En = 1       

		MASTER.En = 1
		Jog MASTER 1	'	start run MASTER. at this point the CARRIAGE will move back n forth

		while NOT xStop
			Sleep 1
		end while


		while MASTER.IsMoving ' wait for MASTER full stop
			Sleep 1
		end while

		CARRIAGE_PREV_POS = Str$(CARRIAGE.Pfb)	'	store CARRIAGE position in file
		CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS = Str$(MASTER.Pfb)	'	store MASTER position in file
		Save File="tex_el.prg" type=All VariableName="CARRIAGE_*" Mode=New

		Proceed MASTER	'	because we dont want problems with applying another move command
		CARRIAGE.Slave = FALSE ' otherwise next run the camtable init will fail

	Detach MASTER

end program

' function Name:		calcMasterOffset
' Description:			calculates the position of master offset for cam table
' Called From:			local
' Author:				Eran Korkidi
' Input Parameters:		N/A
' Output Parameters:	CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS
' Algorithm:			finds the interpolated position of slave between two closest points
'						assign the interpolated position of the master between relevant points
sub calcMasterOffset

	dim tableSize as long
	dim i as long
	dim interpolationRatio as double

	if Instr(Ucase$(CARRIAGE_PREV_CAM), "POS") then

		tableSize = camCarriagePos.size
		if dCarriagePosition = camCarriagePos.slaveData[1] then
			CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS = Str$(camCarriagePos.masterData[1])	'	 it might be the case that the machine stopped in the start of the path 
			if dCarriagePosition = camCarriagePos.slaveData[tableSize] then
				CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS = Str$(camCarriagePos.masterData[tableSize])	'	 it might be the case that the machine stopped in the end of the path
				for i = 1 to tableSize-1
					if ( dCarriagePosition >= camCarriagePos.slaveData[i] AND dCarriagePosition <= camCarriagePos.slaveData[i+1] ) then
						' find two closest points
						interpolationRatio = (dCarriagePosition - camCarriagePos.slaveData[i])/(camCarriagePos.slaveData[i+1]-camCarriagePos.slaveData[i])
						' calculate linear deviation between the two slave points
						CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS = Str$(camCarriagePos.masterData[i] + interpolationRatio*(camCarriagePos.masterData[i+1] - camCarriagePos.masterData[i]))
						'	assign new master position according to the linear interpolation of the slave
					end if
			end if
		end if


		tableSize = camCarriagePos.size
		if dCarriagePosition = camCarriageNeg.slaveData[1] then
			CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS = Str$(camCarriageNeg.masterData[1])	'	 it might be the case that the machine stopped in the start of the path
			if dCarriagePosition = camCarriageNeg.slaveData[tableSize] then
				CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS = Str$(camCarriageNeg.masterData[tableSize])	'	 it might be the case that the machine stopped in the end of the path
				for i = 1 to tableSize-1
					if ( dCarriagePosition <= camCarriageNeg.slaveData[i] AND dCarriagePosition >= camCarriageNeg.slaveData[i+1] ) then
						' find two closest points
						interpolationRatio = (dCarriagePosition - camCarriageNeg.slaveData[i+1])/(camCarriageNeg.slaveData[i]-camCarriageNeg.slaveData[i+1])
						' calculate linear deviation between the two slave points
						CARRIAGE_MASTER_POS = Str$(camCarriageNeg.masterData[i] - interpolationRatio*(camCarriageNeg.masterData[i] - camCarriageNeg.masterData[i+1]))
						'	assign new master position according to the linear interpolation of the slave
					end if
			end if
		end if

	end if

end sub