AXY:Virtual Box MIB
This document describe how to install and build a MIB in a virtual box.
There are several usage for the Virtual Box MIB.
- Virtual MIB as a build machine
- Virtual MIB as a Codeasys
In addition to that build machines we also explain how to configure various tools on top the various build machine.
Virtual MIB, binary only
Stage 1: Getting the Virtual MIB
Execution of mc simulation mode - binary only
First, to install mc , please grab //domainaxy/IL/MC/Linux/mc_sim/mc_sim.tar.gz , copy it into the virtual machine and into a directory with enough space ( ie, not / ) and acts as follows.
open the ball
$ gunzip mc_sim.tar.gz
$ tar xvf mc_strim.tar
$ cd mc_sim
run mc as follows: $ source