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[[File:axis_configuration.png]]<br />
[[File:axis_configuration.png]]<br />
<br />
<br />
The configuration window of the axes has few tabs.<br />
The "Properties" tab allows to set the axis properties. Please set the properties appropriately to each axis based on demands and manufacture instructions. <br />
NOTE: If the configuration is for a simulated robot, change the "Simulated Axis" property to "True" for all axes.<br />
<br />
== Configuring The PUMA Robot ==
Right click on the "Groups" icon in the left pane, and choose "Add Group".<br />
[[File:add_group.png]]<br />
In the popup window, follow these steps: <br />
1. Choose "Robot" <br />
2. Set a "Group name" (in the example the name is PUMA) <br />
3. Choose the "puma xyzypr" robot <br />
4. Add the axes to the "Assigned Axes" list by double-clicking the relevant axes. When a correct set of axes is chosen, the "Assigned Axes" will become green <br />
5. Press the OK button <br />
[[File:add_group_instructions.png]] <br />

Revision as of 12:26, 7 May 2017

This is a tutorial for a 6-axis PUMA robot setup with the Configurator.

Creating and Running a CONFIG.PRG file

The Configurator does not generate a CONFIG.PRG necessary file.
The most simple CONFIG.PRG file will look like this:

Sys.NumberAxes = 6
    Sys.Name = "MC_NAME"
    Print "system is running  -  " ; Sys.Name
end program

NOTE: It is important that Sys.NumberAxes will be at least 6 as the puma robot needs 6 axes.
Before opening the Configurator, please run the CONFIG.PRG file by uploading it to the MC and running "reset all" in the terminal.

Opening The Configurator

First, you need to open the configurator. One option is to open the configurator through the Control Studio.
Go to: tool -> softMC Configurator.
open configurator.png

If the Control Studio is already connected to an MC, then you will see the following window.
Choose the New Project tab, and then choose the softMC version that is on your MC.
new project.png

If the Control Studio was not connected to the MC, the next window will show.
1. Choose the type of network connection
2. Press on "Scan for softMCs"
3. Choose your MC
4. Press on the "start configuration" button
Then you will get to the previous explained window. Follow the previous instructions.
File:offline configurator.png

Configuring The Drive and Axes

First, you need to configure the drives and axes.
In the project window, the left pane shows the recognized drives and axes.
NOTE: Only EtherCAT drives are recognized automatically, the CANopen drives should be added manually.
NOTE: If a stimulative robot is being configured, ignore the drives configuration part.

Press on the first drive and its configuration window will show:
The minimum requirement are:
1. Choose the "Initial Active OpMode". Please choose: "8 - cyclic_synchronous_position".
2. Link the drive's corresponding axis. Choose the correct axis in "Link Driver To Axis".
3. Lastly, press on the "Apply" button.
Repeat the last steps for each used drive.
drive configuration.png

Press on the first axis and its configuration window will show:
The minimum requirement are: 1. Choose the "Axis Type". Please choose: "Rotary Gear" for the PUMA robot.
2. Set the Gear Ration value to the correct value.
Repeat the last steps for each used axis.
axis configuration.png

The configuration window of the axes has few tabs.
The "Properties" tab allows to set the axis properties. Please set the properties appropriately to each axis based on demands and manufacture instructions.
NOTE: If the configuration is for a simulated robot, change the "Simulated Axis" property to "True" for all axes.

Configuring The PUMA Robot

Right click on the "Groups" icon in the left pane, and choose "Add Group".
add group.png

In the popup window, follow these steps:
1. Choose "Robot"
2. Set a "Group name" (in the example the name is PUMA)
3. Choose the "puma xyzypr" robot
4. Add the axes to the "Assigned Axes" list by double-clicking the relevant axes. When a correct set of axes is chosen, the "Assigned Axes" will become green
5. Press the OK button

add group instructions.png